Spinal Cord Research Center Field of Interest - Rehabilitation & Robotic Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is explored in both rats and mice models using automated bicycles (Dr. Houle and colleagues), compliant robot rehabilitation at ankle and pelvis (Dr. Giszter and colleagues), and compliant robot rehabilitation using pelvic orthoses (Dr. Giszter and colleagues). In addition, reaching and treadmill locomotion rehabilitation and ladder and other rehabilitation tests are used across the group.

Related Faculty

  • Simon Giszter, PhD

    Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
    Research Interests: Spinal cord organization, modularity, motor primitives, control of limb biomechanics, brain machine interface (BMI), comparative motor physiology, corticospinal functions, electromyography, motor control, motor cortex, neuroengineering, neuroprosthetics, neurorobotics, neurobiology, neurorehabilitation, reflex behaviors, rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, systems neurobiology, theoretical and computational neuroscience, trunk/axial controls

  • John Houle, PhD

    Emeritus Professor
    Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
    Research Interests: Neurotransplantation strategies to promote structural and functional recovery after spinal cord injury