Spinal Cord Research Center News

December 2021

"Spinal Cord Injury Research Funded by PA Department of Health" in the fall/winter 2021 issue of Pulse.

May 2018

Neuroscience Retreat and Research Day - 2018

Neuroscience Retreat and Research Day
May 16, 8:30am-6:30pm
Queen Lane, SAC room

December 2015

ISNR - Lana Zholudeva and Victoria Spruance

Lana Zholudeva and Victoria Spruance won presentation awards at the ISNR meeting this week.

September 2015

Drexel neuroscience graduate student Rahul Sachdeva dissertation defense.

Rahul Sachdeva (see image) dissertation defense will be Friday September 18th, Queen Lane, SAC A, 12pm.

Victoria Spruance won a presentation award at the annual meeting of the International Spinal Research Trust in London last week.

August 2015

Dr. Kimberly Dougherty was awarded an R01 titled: CRCNS: Rhythm generation in rodent spinal cord. (CRCNS is Collaborative research in computational neuroscience.) Natalia Shevtsova is a Co-Investigator (Co-PI) on this award.

Conquer Paralysis Now

Dr. Tatiana Bezdudnaya received notice this morning that she will be awarded a grant from Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN). This is a highly competitive grant, so excellent news for Tanya.

June 2015

Dr. Michael Lane was awarded a Pilot Research Grant from the Neilson Foundation to study "Activity dependent respiratory plasticity following spinal cord injury" (Marie-Pascale and Vitaliy are Co-Is).


Oza CS and Giszter SF. (2015) Trunk robot rehabilitation training with active stepping reorganizes and enriches trunk motor cortex representations in spinal transected rats. J. Neuroscience, 2015 May 6th; 35(18): 7174-7189. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4366- 14.2015. 2.

Song W, Cajigas I, Brown EN and Giszter SF. (2015) Adaptation to elastic loads and BMI robot controls during rat locomotion examined with point-process GLMs. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2015 April 28; 9: 1- 11. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2015.00062. 3.

Giszter SF. (2015) Motor primitives-new data and future questions. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 2015 Apr 21;33:156-165. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2015.04.004. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID: 25912883 4.

Giszter SF. (2015) Spinal primitives and intra-spinal micro-stimulation (ISMS) based prostheses: a neurobiological perspective on the "known unknowns" in ISMS and future prospects. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2015 Mar 20;9:72. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00072. eCollection 2015. Review. PMID: 25852454.

Recent presentations and sessions organized

Neural Control of Movement Meeting Satellite- 2015 Topic: Neural underpinnings of rehabilitation from nervous system injury and disease. "Combining biological, bionic and rehabilitation interventions: finding the Goldilocks zones in rodent models of SCI".

Neural Control of Movement Meeting Main meeting panel session: "New methods of analysis of population data- relating neural dynamics and Sherrington reductionism".

Tech Breakfast, Philadelphia "Brain Braids, Braided neuroprosthetics"

Lab member recent awards

John K Lee, ALCOA Lindau Graduate Student Award, to attend the 2014 Lindau Meeting.

John K Lee, Dean's Fellowship for 'Excellence in Collaborative or Themed Research'.

David Logan, PhD, Brody Family Medical Trust Fund Fellowship in 'Incurable Diseases'

May 2015

Link to WHYY and Pint of Science scientific research presentation by Dr. Michael Lane, Drexel University College of Medicine.

Dr Marie-Pascale Cote has been promoted to Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy. In this tenure-track position, Dr Cote will continue building her research team investigating the therapeutic effects of exercise following spinal cord injury.

Dr Kimberly Dougherty was awarded a grant from the Wings for Life Foundation to study 'Plasticity of spinal rhythm generating interneurons after spinal cord injury and training'.


A recent review paper from Dr Dougherty highlights recent advances in our understanding of spinal locomotor control: McLean & Dougherty (2015) Peeling back the layers of locomotor control in the spinal cord, Curr Opin Neurobiol. 33:63-70

Molkov, Y. I., Bacak, B. J., Talpalar, A. E., and Rybak, I. A (2015) Mechanisms of left-right coordination in mammalian locomotor pattern generation circuits: a mathematical modeling view. PLoS Comput. Biol., 11: e1004270

Shevtsova, N. A., Talpalar, A. E., Markin, S. N., Harris-Warrick, R. M., Kiehn, O., and Rybak, I. A (2015) Organization of left-right coordination of neuronal activity in the mammalian spinal cord: insights from computational modelling. J. Physiol., Published on-line 27 MAR 2015; DOI: 10.1113/JP270121.

Large animal and primate models of spinal cord injury for the testing of novel therapies. Kwon BK, Streijger F, Hill CE, Anderson AJ, Bacon M, Beattie MS, Blesch A, Bradbury EJ, Brown A, Bresnahan JC, Case CC, Colburn RW, David S, Fawcett JW, Ferguson AR, Fischer I, Floyd CL, Gensel JC, Houle JD, Jakeman LB, Jeffery ND, Jones LA, Kleitman N, Kocsis J, Lu P, Magnuson DS, Marsala M, Moore SW, Mothe AJ, Oudega M, Plant GW, Rabchevsky AS, Schwab JM, Silver J, Steward O, Xu XM, Guest JD, Tetzlaff W. Exp Neurol. 2015 Apr 19;269:154-168. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.04.008. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25902036.

Exercise after spinal cord injury as an agent for neuroprotection, regeneration and rehabilitation. Sandrow-Feinberg HR, Houlé JD. Brain Res. 2015 Apr 9. pii: S0006-8993(15)00287-5. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.03.052. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID:25866284.

Spinal Interneurons and Forelimb Plasticity after Incomplete Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Rats. Gonzalez-Rothi EJ, Rombola AM, Rousseau CA, Mercier LM, Fitzpatrick GM, Reier PJ, Fuller DD, Lane MA. J Neurotrauma. 2015 May 5. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25625912.

March 2015

Dr Simon Giszter has recently published: "Spinal primitives and intra-spinal micro-stimulation (ISMS) based prostheses: a neurobiological perspective on the "known unknowns" in ISMS and future prospects". Front Neurosci. 2015 Mar 20;9:72.

January 2015

The Behavioural Core has purchased a Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer from Ugo Basile. This device is designed to assess touch sensitivity in experimental studies.

Dr Marie-Pascale Cote has received funding from the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke (NIH, NINDS ) and the Craig H. Neilson Foundation to study chloride homeostasis and motor recovery after spinal cord injury and the effects of exercise.

Recently published studies by Drs Veronica Tom and Peter Baas have revealed that inhibition of kinesin-5 promotes axonal regeneration after SCI.

December 2014

Drs Tatiana Bezdudnaya and Shaoping Hou received 'Rising Star' awards from Dr Itzhak Fisher and the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy in recognition for their scientific achievements and their commitment to Drexel University and the Spinal Cord Research Center.

Drs Megan Detloff and John Bethea received a Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement (CURE ) award to study the effects of exercise induced expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines following spinal cord injury. The goal of this project is to explore whether exercise prevents pain development after SCI.

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