Computational Neuroscience Center

Computational Neuroscience Animation - Laboratory for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

The Computational Neuroscience Center at Drexel’s Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy brings together a group of computational and experimental researchers with a common interest to understand nervous system function. Members of the center work in close collaboration on multidisciplinary research projects combining experimental and computational strategies. Dr. Ilya Rybak serves as the current director of the Center.

Understanding the mechanisms by which the nervous system processes information and how neural circuits control behavior is at the core of Neuroscience. Computational neuroscience complements experimental studies by providing important tools to derive new hypotheses, guide experiments to test them, and provide insight into underlying mechanisms.

With the increasing complexity and volume of datasets generated by cutting-edge experimental methods, computational modeling is an indispensable tool to structure and interpret the data and to ultimately infer underlying neuronal processes and functions of neural circuits and ultimately behavior.

In close collaboration with the Marion Murray Spinal Cord Research Center, Drexel Neuroengineering, and with experimentalists, engineers, and computational neuroscientists within Drexel and from across the world, we use collaborative, interdisciplinary computational and experimental approaches to study mechanisms in the intact and injured nervous system as well as in neurological disorders.

Graduate students and postdocs work on multidisciplinary projects in a number of research fields using a wide array of computational tools and techniques.

Download the Computational Neurosciences Flyer [pdf]

Positions Available

We are currently accepting graduate students at the Master’s and PhD level. Prospective students are encouraged to apply to the Neuroscience graduate program.

For Postdoc positions contact the individual labs or browse open positions here.

Research Areas

  • Motor Control
  • Locomotion
  • Sensorimotor integration
  • Respiration
  • Sensory processing
  • Visual processing
  • Cognition – learning and memory
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Modularity
  • Neuromechanics


  • Single neuron models
  • Conductance based (Hodgkin-Huxley type) models
  • Neuronal network models
  • Neuromechanical models
  • Dynamical systems modeling
  • Machine learning (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Robotics
  • Data science/modeling
  • Circuit Analysis

Meet our Faculty

You can learn more about our research and current projects on the individual faculty lab pages.

Core Faculty

Jessica Ausborn, PhD

Simon M. Danner, PhD

Simon Giszter, PhD

Sergey Markin, PhD

Ilya Rybak, PhD, Center Director

Natalia Shevtsova, PhD

Experimental Affiliates

Tatiana Bezdudnaya, PhD

Kimberly Dougherty, PhD

Dong Wang, PhD

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