A Unique Opportunity To Visit Cuba

Painted building in Cuba

I remember being 20 years old and hoping that someday I would get to visit Cuba. The old cars, the warm Caribbean air, and the food were some of the reasons I wanted to go. The big reason why I hadn't, though, was how difficult it is to visit Cuba as an American. The fact that I was not able to just hop on an airplane and visit the country made me want to go even more. 

Drexel offers a short-term study abroad experience in Cuba and, at 30 years old, I was able to achieve a dream of mine by visiting the island nation as a Drexel student. The food was incredible, and the people were kind and welcoming. The human element of the course reminded all of us that the Cuban people want the same things Americans do — jobs, safety, good food, and medicine. The course also taught me that study abroad experiences can have a lot of value.

Students really get to know one another and many of the students I met are still friends after returning to the United States.

Before taking the course, I had always felt that studying abroad was a waste of money. Now that I’ve studied abroad, I know how valuable the experience is. In many "classroom-based" classes, it is difficult to make friends because of the impersonal feeling that comes with most classroom learning. Short-term study abroad courses, called Intensive Courses Abroad at Drexel, are different. Students really get to know one another and many of the students I met are still friends after returning to the United States.

My experience in Cuba was the best I have had while in graduate school and an experience I will remember for the rest of my life. Thank you to Drexel University for making this small dream come true!

Jeff Mathwig
Class of 2024
Philadelphia, PA
Public Health