Viruses, Phishing & Spam

Sophos EndPoint Protection and Palo Alto Networks Traps

Drexel distributes Sophos Endpoint Protection and Palo Alto Networks Traps for the protection of Drexel owned systems. For personal machines, Drexel recommends Windows Defender Antivirus for devices running Microsoft Windows or Sophos Home, a free anti-virus solution supporting both Windows and macOS.

For more information on anti-virus, please refer to the service catalog.

Note:Drexel IT will disable any account or network port that proliferates a virus until the infected device is re-installed, factory reset, or equivalent and no longer threatens the network. Infection means loss of service to the infected computer and those that share the network.

Spam Blocking and Phishing Prevention

Unsolicited bulk email, commonly called "spam," is a problem for every electronic mail system on the Internet today. Drexel is no exception. As such, Office 365 handles and blocks and significant proportion of spam.

Sometimes spam gets through, or messages are tagged incorrectly as spam. To learn more, see Learn about junk email and phishing on the Microsoft Support site. For Outlook users, see Overview of the Junk Email Filter from Microsoft.

For tips and tricks on how to recognize and protect yourself from email scams (sometimes referred to as "phishing"), see our page on Protection from Email Scams.

Help Me!

If you have any questions regarding the use of anti-virus software or need help identifying email scams, contact the IT Drexel Help Desk at,, or 215.895.2020.