Is this real???
Debunking Email Scams
The items listed below are examples of recent phishing or other fake email scams (marked with the word "FAKE") that are being circulated.
Delete scam messages. Do not reply to them. Do not click on any links or attachments they contain. Never EVER give out your password, no matter who asks!
Note: It's always a busy year for scam emails, but occasionally a message that looks like a scam is actually very real and very important. Examples of real emails from Drexel IT are also shown below and marked with the word "REAL."
Subject: Quota Exceeded - Verification Required
November 1, 2024
These messages are "spoofs" of actual offices. They impersonate individuals within these offices in an attempt to get information or a response. Be very wary of unexpected emails even from people you know, and find another method to confirm their identity.

Subject: Hello
February 4, 2021
These messages are "spoofs" of actual offices. They impersonate individuals within these offices in an attempt to get information or a response. Be very wary of unexpected emails even from people you know, and find another method to confirm their identity.

Subject: INCIDENT: ???????? (REF:IN:????????)
January 19, 2021
A rash of phishing scams masquerading as "Drexel IT" is making the rounds. These emails look very similar to our real emails from the RemedyForce Service Desk. However, Drexel IT will NEVER ask for your password, and you should NEVER give it to anyone, no matter who asks.
(Click Image to Enlarge)

Subject: Incident #(Ref:IN:????????) Account Irregular Activity Detected
January 11, 2021
(Click Image to Enlarge)

Subject: Drexel (JOB REFERRAL):Employment Opportunity.
July 2, 2019

Subject: Pending Messages
April 19, 2019

Subject: Drexel account security improvements
March 2, 2019
March 9, 2019
The below emails are REAL. Please carefully read the copy you received in your Drexel email.

Subject: Incoming Updates for DrexelOne/Drexel Connect Sign-Ons
January 30, 2019
The below email is REAL. Please read it carefully.

Subject: Document Pending
October 5, 2018

Subject: Incident #000????? (Ref:IN:000?????)
September 12, 2018
This type of email is from the Drexel IT ticketing system, and thus is NOT a scam. Please read these emails, as they contain important information regarding your accounts/services.