Mailing Lists Procedure

The Mass Mailing team (Mailreq) of Drexel Information Technology (Drexel IT) provides the following services according to the procedures herein.

ListServ Email List Creation
University Mass Email Distribution
ListServ Email Subscriptions


ListServ Email List Creation

Current Drexel faculty/professional staff and recognized student organization presidents may request the creation of a ListServ mailing list. Request a list creation here.


  • Lists are created within 2 business days, but often sooner.
  • List names form part of the list’s address. Requested list names may be modified to fit ListServ convention. If no name is provided, Mailreq may choose one for you based on the list description.
  • List name changes after creation are complicated and generally only done for associated department, office, or group name changes.
  • All ListServ mailing lists must be owned by an "" address, but external addresses may be added as additional owners of subscribers.
  • Mailreq may add initial subscribers to a list by request.
  • Mailreq may configure large lists (6000+ subscribers) to distribute emails after business hours.
  • List owners must thereafter manage their list(s). See List Manager's Survival Guide here.
  • Mailreq may provide training by request.

University Mass Email Distribution

Members of the Drexel community may request either a regular mass mailing through an approver's department/office to Mailreq-maintained lists, or a special mass mailing to a provided address list. Request a mass email here.

Regular Procedure

  • Mailing requests should be submitted to Mailreq at least 2 business days prior to requested distribution date. Otherwise, there may be delays in the distribution of messages, and deadlines might pass. Mailing are often distributed sooner, but depend on daily scheduled load.
  • Approval from an approving office is required and must be included with each mailing request.
  • Requestors may include the message to be sent as a Word (.docx) or HTML (.html) file attachment.
  • Send complete, proofread mailing requests. Mailreq is not responsible for typos or mistakes in the original request.
  • Requestors may receive a proof to check for appropriate text and HTML formatting, including image size and placement, headings, bolding, italics, accurate copy/paste, etc.

Special Procedure

  • Approval for special mailings is implicit in departmental access to email databases, and thus is not required for a mass mailing.
  • Mailing requests should be submitted to Mailreq at least 2 business days prior to requested distribution date. Otherwise, there may be delays in the distribution of messages, and deadlines might pass. Mailing are often distributed sooner, but depend on daily scheduled load and priority.
  • Requestors may include the message to be sent as a Word (.docx) or HTML (.html) file attachment.
  • Requestors may include the addresses the mailing should be sent to in Excel (.xlsx) or plain text (.txt) format, one email address per row. Save all addresses in one tab, or indicate in your request if there are multiple tabs. The file should only contain email addresses, and no other data UNLESS the request is a mail merge.
  • If the mailing is a mail merge, include the necessary data with the email addresses in an Excel (.xlsx) file. Indicate where variables appear in the message body.
  • Send complete, proofread mailing requests. Mailreq is not responsible for typos or mistakes in the original request.
  • If specified in the initial request, we will send a proof to check for appropriate text and HTML formatting, including image size and placement, headings, bolding, italics, accurate copy/paste, etc.

ListServ Email Subscriptions

Mailreq manages the official, announcement, and some special email list subscriptions. See the Subscriptions page for more information about what types of messages are sent to which types of lists.


  • Current members of the Drexel community (faculty, professional staff, students) remain subscribed to official mailings until separation from the University.
  • Users may opt-out of announcement mailings by signing in at and unchecking the announcements box. Check the box again to receive announcements.
  • Mailreq may assist list owners and subscribers in finding and removing subscriptions.
  • Users who receive special mailings may reply to message for more information about how their address was obtained, and if they can be unsubscribed.