Flexible Work Arrangements

Drexel's Approach

Drexel University is committed to providing a flexible work environment that prioritizes well-being for our faculty and professional staff. To support such an environment, the following principles guide our discussions and practices surrounding flexible work.

  1. Provide What We Promise. At the end of the day, our financial stability depends on our efficiency and the quality of services we provide our students. We need to ensure we are delivering the product/experience we have promised. Units that directly interface with students should ensure a consistent presence, as should units that support the on-campus teaching and research activities of the University.
  2. Balance Presence With Flexibility. It’s safe to assume that most employees will be seeking flexibility to some extent. Consider when in-person interactions are most valued, both among employees and students, and focus on the ways in which people truly benefit from being together. If we are not flexible, we will run the risk of losing our greatest assets — our people.
  3. Don’t Forget Lessons Learned. The COVID-19 pandemic provided insight into new ways to harness technology and the challenges faced by different populations. It also changed employee expectations of the workplace. This experience provided an opportunity to rethink how we do business. How can we use these lessons to improve the academic experience and enhance access, accessibility and equity for students and employees alike, and to become a more innovative, nimble university?
  4. "Hard" Is Not a Reason to Remain Stagnant. We have an opportunity to rethink how we work and deliver the student experience in the context of Drexel’s evolution as an innovation partner and global institution. That is a process that will take effort, but it is worthwhile to remain a competitive institution and employer.
  5. Lead With Respect and Trust. Drexel faculty and staff have worked tirelessly to position the University in a strong state, leading in some cases to the point of burnout. Provide flexibility where possible and assume your employees’ best intentions until they demonstrate otherwise. Drexel provides support for both managers and their teams through your HR Business Partner, learning and development opportunities in Career Pathway, and the Employee Assistance Program, which offers free professional and personal counseling services for all faculty and professional staff and their household members.
  6. One Size Doesn’t Fit All. Every team’s functions and needs are different. Encourage your managers to have clear conversations with their direct reports to inform leadership decisions, understand employee needs and set clear expectations. Managers should ask about employee needs at the same time that they consider the long-term trajectory of their team and the needs of the University.

Discussion and Request Process

  1. Use the Flexible Work Arrangement Discussion Framework [.docx] to discuss your work arrangement preferences with your supervisor.
    1. Supervisors should have an understanding of college/division expectations for on-campus support when discussing employee work arrangement preferences.
    2. Consult the Remote Work and Philadelphia City Wage Tax page to understand the tax implications of your requested arrangement.
  2. Complete the Flexible Work Arrangement Request form in DrexelOne, which will be routed to your supervisor for approval (see Flexible Work Arrangement Request Form Instructions [PDF] for how to submit and approve a request in DrexelOne). If you previously submitted a request via PDF or email, please resubmit using the DrexelOne form.
    1. Your HR Business Partner will receive the form after your supervisor approves. They will reach out to you and/or your supervisor if there are any concerns regarding the request.

Remote and Hybrid Work Resources

Meetings and Communication

Philadelphia City Wage Tax