Black History Month Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle

To celebrate and honor the histories of Black scholars, writers, inventors, homemakers, revolutionaries, trend-setters, civil rights icons, entertainers and athletes, Drexel Human Resources released crossword puzzle clues each business day in February. Drexel Faculty and Professional Staff members were encouraged to play, compete and win prizes. Five Faculty and/or Professional Staff members who submited their completed and correct crossword puzzle at the end of the month were randomly selected to receive a special prize. 

Congratulations to the Crossword Puzzle Winners!

  • Taschua Buckson, Compliance Analyst, Compliance Office
  • Justine Christmas, Financial Analyst III, SOM Dean - Finance
  • Diana Dang, Web Developer, Culture & Communication
  • Sabrina DeVose, Program Assistant, Goodwin College of Professional Studies
  • Kristin McCarthy, Consultant, Human Resources