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Employee Olympics

Employee Olympics 


A Healthier U, Human Resources and Recreational Athletics will host the Employee Olympics on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, from 2 p.m. to approximately 5 p.m. Benefits-eligible faculty and professional staff can compete for Drexel University glory. Gold medals will be awarded to the winning teams.

Register Monday, Feb. 24-Friday, March 21


Please consult the following guides if you need help with registration:

For any registration or eligibility issues in the registration portal, please contact Louis Monroe at for assistance.

Olympics Offerings

Please note that you can only register for ONE of the below sports.

Sport Team Quantity
Pickleball  2v2
Dodgeball 5v5
Baggo 2v2

Or Join the Fun Walk

You can contribute to your health and well-being by participating in our non-competitive Fun Walk, either virtually or on-campus. You can earn Wellness Incentive Program points by walking at home or in-person. When you register for this event, please indicate if you would like to participate in the Fun Walk virtually or on campus. Please note that the Fun Walk is an outdoor event, rain or shine, so dress appropriately to walk outside.

Earn Wellness Points & Fun Giveaways

Earn 25 wellness incentive program points for participating in the sport of your choice or the virtual or in-person Fun Walk during the Employee Olympics. Points will be awarded within six weeks of the event. Enjoy the Olympics and earn wellness points. Get paid to play!

Everyone who participates on campus in the sport of their choice or the in-person Fun Walk will receive an Employee Olympics T-shirt.


All participants must be benefits-eligible faculty or professional staff of Drexel University, Drexel University College of Medicine, Drexel University Online or the Academy of Natural Sciences at the time of participation. Student employees are not eligible to participate.

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

If you are feeling sick or unwell, please remain home and do not participate as either a competitor or a spectator.

Information concerning acceptable masks on campus may be found on the CDC website.

Questions? please contact Intramurals Coordinator Louis Monroe at