Drexel Honors Black History Month

The Annual Drexel University Black History Month Reception for faculty and professional staff will be sponsored by Black Faculty and Professional Staff Association.

Please plan to join the Black Faculty and Professional Staff Association for the 2014 Black History Month Reception on Thursday, February 20th at 12 noon in the Behrakis Grand Hall.  All Drexel faculty and professional staff members are invited. The event will feature local vendors, an employee talent show, line dances and light lunch.  All faculty and professional staff members are encouraged to wear African attire.

The BFPSA would like to thank the Office of Human Resources for sponsoring this great event for the past 5 years and look forward to sponsoring this event in the future.

For more details be sure to check out the BFPSA Facebook page.

Drexel Black Faculty and Professional Staff Association

"Fostering a sense of community through support and engagement"

BFPSA@drexel.edu  |  www.facebook.com/DrexelBFPSA