Theses, Dissertations and Projects

Please Note: All PhD and professional doctoral candidates (except DCFT, DNP, and DPT) must submit their graduation forms and materials using the E-Forms system, as well as those outlined on the Graduation Requirements page. Students in the College of Medicine and Kline School of Law should consult with their college or school officials.

Preparation and Materials

  • The format of your thesis/dissertation must follow the guidelines found in the Thesis Manual [PDF] maintained by the Graduate College, in addition to any guidelines set by your academic department. Your advisor is responsible for reviewing and approving both the content and the formatting of your thesis/dissertation. Their approval is noted by their signature on the form linked below. Please note that ProQuest provides guidance on preparing your manuscript for submission, including guidelines on formatting, which is also referenced in the manual. Those requesting a printed copy may need to consider additional formatting for best results. Questions? Contact
  • The Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form and Signature Page [PDF] must include all the required signatures and be formatted as the first page of your thesis/dissertation in preparation for electronic submission via ProQuest.
  • This Drexel University logo must be used for the title page.
  • In preparation to submit, we recommend setting up an account in ProQuest by going to and click "Sign up". You should also review the information and FAQs on the Theses, Dissertations, and Projects page of the Drexel University Libraries' website, which includes more information and options for embargo, copyright, and binding. Finally, you should also review the ProQuest resources and guidelines.

Approval Process

Please note that individual academic programs or departments may have EARLIER deadlines and/or additional requirements. Please check with a representative from your program/department. In additional, please note that all PhD candidates must follow the E-Forms process outlined on the Graduation Requirements page which will generate the below forms and processes. Students in the College of Medicine and Kline School of Law should consult with their college or school officials. For others:


  1. After you successfully defend, make all content changes and edits as required by your defense committee.
  2. Obtain all required committee signatures on the Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form and Signature Page [PDF]. The completed form should be formatted as the first page of your thesis/dissertation in preparation for electronic submission via ProQuest. For all PhD candidates, pleas ensure this step is recorded as part of the E-Forms process.
  3. Submit your final formatted thesis/dissertation to your supervising professor for approval. The supervising professor must acknowledge their approval by signing the Graduate Program Completion Form [PDF] or by noting their approval in the E-Forms system (for all PhD students). The department head must also acknowledge their approval.
  4. Submit your approved and formatted thesis/dissertation as a single PDF document to ProQuest (including the completed Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form and Signature Page as the first page and the title page as the second page) by going to and click "Sign up" to create an account. Follow the steps to upload your document. This will take approximately 20–30 minutes. Be sure to print or save a copy of your submission confirmation page to include with your Graduate Program Completion Form.
  5. Once you have submitted all required materials to ProQuest, complete and sign the Graduate Program Completion Form [PDF] and obtain all other required signatures.
  6. Submit the completed Graduate Program Completion Form to the Graduate College via by the posted deadline for final approval and degree clearance.

More Information

Please visit the Drexel University Libraries' website for all submission details, answers to frequently asked questions and options for embargo, copyright and binding.

The Libraries' website also include submission information for Master's or Doctoral projects that are not considered a thesis or dissertation.

For more information about graduation requirements and deadlines, please visit the Graduation Requirements page.

For information about Commencement, please visit the Commencement website.


For questions or more information, email