A Message from the Senior Vice Provost

elisabeth-van-bockstaele-headshotWhether you are just beginning your graduate career or continuing your graduate studies, you are part of an auspicious and exciting time for graduate education at Drexel University. We are proud to offer an interdisciplinary, collaborative, experiential and intellectually diverse matrix of programs integral to a comprehensive 21st-century graduate education. We have also staked our claim as a hub of innovation by:

  • Fostering graduate-level scholarship of the highest quality,
  • Developing unique programmatic offerings that fill market needs,
  • Assessing and improving graduate student outcomes,
  • And enhancing the graduate student experience from recruitment through their time as alumni.

The strength and impact of a graduate education at Drexel is evident in the increasing caliber of our students. Their often award-winning scholarship, partnerships with faculty, mentorship of peers and undergraduates, and contributions to the academy and industry lie at the heart of Drexel’s identity as a modern research university. Our students’ prolific publication rate, prominence in conferences, and placement in sought-after academic, corporate and various other positions amplify Drexel’s reputation nationally and internationally.  

We are delighted to officially introduce and congratulate this year's Graduate Student Association Board Members, who have been diligently planning for the upcoming year's activities along with the nearly 30 active graduate student organizations, as well as the latest cohort of Graduate Studies Doctoral Fellows, who are recognized as some of our most promising new doctoral students.  

In collaboration with the Academic Deans of Drexel’s Colleges and Schools, I am committed to programs and developments that complement the ambitious ethos of our graduate students. I encourage you to explore the website to learn more about unique academic opportunities such as graduate minors, and to find out more about resources and professional development for Drexel's diverse graduate student community.

Please accept my best wishes for a successful graduate career. Feel free to reach out to me or anyone on my team in the Office of Graduate Studies with any questions or concerns. In the meantime, I hope to see you on one of Drexel’s campuses or in the Office of Graduate Studies soon.


Elisabeth J. Van Bockstaele, PhD
Chief Strategy Officer
Senior Vice Provost for Graduate Studies
Office of Graduate Studies

Founding Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
Professor of Pharmacology & Physiology
College of Medicine