Students majoring in MEM may pursue multiple paths towards completing their BS depending upon the nature of the elective courses they select. There are, however, two main options: (A) to seek a more well-rounded education in mechanical engineering by selecting courses representing the wide academic spectrum of the department; (B) to emphasize a particular discipline or track. Students taking Option A for a well-rounded mechanical engineering education should consult the Undergraduate Advisor to select their elective courses and to complete their degree based on the courses listed in the Curriculum pages.

Senior design team SeaVital built an AI-powered drone to deliver safety equipment in maritime person-overboard emergencies.
Students seeking deeper knowledge in a particular area within mechanical engineering may enroll in a set of technical electives, e.g., in Aerospace, Biomechanical Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Mechanics and Structures, Systems and Control, and Thermal and Fluid Sciences. Students often find deeper exploration of these subjects to be helpful preparation for the capstone senior design project and for co-op and career preparation.