Computer Science Undergraduate Degree

Top 15%
of undergraduate Computer Science degree programs in the U.S. (College Factual, 2024)

Students in Drexel’s Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (BS/BACS) program learn about the theory and practice of effective computing. CS majors tend to be skilled at math and writing code, and like to apply computer science to solve complex computing problems.

This accredited degree program in computer science ranked in the top 35 computer science programs (top 15%) in the 2024 nationwide ranking of U.S. Colleges and Universities by College Factual.

Program Features

  • Prepares students for careers in a rapidly changing profession and to allow easy entrance to graduate education in the computer science field.
  • Offers courses in core areas such as programming and data structures, and electives in many specialty areas such as artificial intelligence, computer vision and graphics, systems architecture, computer security and software engineering.
  • Customize your degree through a variety of available minors at CCI, including Data Science, Computing Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Systems, Security Technology and Software Engineering, or choose from the hundreds of available minors at Drexel.

BA vs. BS in Computer Science: What's the Difference?

The BS program emphasizes foundation courses in the sciences and in applied mathematics, leading to careers involving applications in science and engineering. The BA program emphasizes foundation courses in the humanities and the social sciences, leading to careers involving applications in those areas.

Gain Job Experience Before Graduating

Founded in 1919, Drexel's cooperative education program was one of the first of its kind, and it continues to be among the largest and most renowned. Drexel Co-op allows students to test drive careers, network and gain experience before graduation. Students choose from more than 1,700 employers in 35 states and 45 international locations, or conduct an independent search. Students in the BSCS program can participate in a four-year, one co-op program or a five-year, three co-op program. Visit the Steinbright Career Development Center website to learn more.

Career Outlook

Graduates of Drexel's computer science undergraduate program hold positions such as Software Developer, Web Developer, Systems Software Systems Engineer, Network Engineer and Application Analyst. Three of the top 10 STEM jobs predicted to experience the most growth through 2030 are in the computing field, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

According to a U.S.News & World Report article "What Can You Do With a Computer Science Degree?" there are computer science jobs in nearly every major U.S. industry.

Additional Information

View a complete list of the BA/BS in Computer Science program educational objectives/student outcomes on Drexel's Undergraduate Catalog.

BA/BS in Computer Science Degree Course Requirements & Descriptions

Please visit Drexel's Undergraduate Catalog for course requirements and descriptions. To find out when courses are offered, please visit Drexel's Term Master Schedule.

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