Software Engineering Undergraduate Degree

Drexel’s Software Engineering (BSSE) degree students learn to design and build reliable, high-quality software products. Software engineering majors tend to be good at solving problems and writing code, and like to apply methods that allow individuals and teams to create and improve large software systems.

Software Engineering Program Features

  • Curriculum covers the fundamental concepts and skills to prepare the next generation of software engineering professionals, including topics such as specification, design, software evolution, quality control and project management;
  • Students learn about the real world challenges that software engineering entails, including delivering high quality software products on time and within budget, designing software with a user-friendly interface and according to client expectations, and leading software development teams;
  • Concentrates on the application of processes, methods and tools to building and maintaining quality computer software;
  • Students can customize and enhance their studies through a variety of available minors at CCI, including Computer Science, Computing Technology, Data Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Systems and Security Technology, or choose from the hundreds of available minors at Drexel.

Gain Job Experience Before Graduating

Founded in 1919, Drexel's cooperative education program was one of the first of its kind, and it continues to be among the largest and most renowned. Drexel Co-op allows students to test drive careers, network and gain experience before graduation. Students choose from more than 1,700 employers in 35 states and 45 international locations, or conduct an independent search. Students in the BSSE program can participate in a four-year, one co-op program or a five-year, three co-op program. Visit the Steinbright Career Development Center website to learn more.

Career Outlook

Graduates of the Software Engineering undergraduate program hold positions such as Software Engineer, Software Architect, Software System Project Manager, and Software Project Team Leader.

Additional Information

View a complete list of the BS in Software Engineering program educational objectives/student outcomes on Drexel's Undergraduate Catalog.

BSSE Degree Course Requirements & Descriptions

Please visit Drexel's Undergraduate Catalog for course requirements and descriptions. To find out when courses are offered, please visit Drexel's Term Master Schedule.

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