Annie Doren

Annie Doren
Major: BS in Nursing

Annie is a pre-junior at Drexel University. She is a part of the 5 year, 3 co-op Nursing program and will be graduating in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She has spent her first two co-ops working at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and hopes to work there upon graduating. Annie has been familiar with Drexel University from a young age as both of her parents are alumni. Outside of school, she enjoys photography, spending time with family and friends, and interacting with prospective students interested in studying at Drexel University.


Around Philadelphia Summer Days in Philadelphia
Just a small summary of some of my favorite outdoor activities down by the water in our warm summer months!
Why Drexel A Family of Dragons!
The story of how I found Drexel, and how my family played an integral part.
Meet The Author Meet Annie, future nurse and lover of food!
Just a little bit of a background on myself, my passion, and how Drexel has shown me just how much I am capable of.