Achieving Goals With the Drexel Promise

Students who begin their higher education at a community college have a leg up. They can take core academic courses that reduce their overall college costs and gain a better idea of what they want to study and what profession they would like to go into after completing their education. There is research that shows students who earn an associate degree before pursuing and graduating from a four-year institution have increased potential for lifetime economic success.
I would not have achieved these goals had I stayed at my first college, so making that transition was key to achieving my eventual goal.
During my brief time gaining my associate's degree, I changed my major thrice! I left my first college unsure of what I wanted; it was me, not the school. I left that school with no real plan, so I worked for a year as a temp. I worked at the stock exchange getting yelled at by floor traders who popped Tylenol like mints and I opened my own fruit stand. These experiences gave me the push to go back to school and complete my degree and figure out what I wanted.
As a transfer student, I know leaving one institution for another can be challenging, thrilling, even scary. As an anchor institution in higher education, Drexel University has streamlined the application process for those looking to enter the University as a transfer student. In addition, Drexel offers a guaranteed scholarship for admitted students who have committed to and have earned an associate's degree at a two-year school before completing their bachelor's degree.
The Drexel Promise is a scholarship that will cover half of tuition costs. This can also be combined with possible federal and state financial assistance. If you apply to a full-time, on-campus program and indicate you have or will have your associate degree from an eligible community college before starting classes at Drexel, you will be a Promise-eligible applicant.
Completing my bachelor's in communications opened doors for me to enjoy a successful career in broadcasting and now in higher ed, including earning my master's degree. I would not have achieved these goals had I stayed at my first college, so making that transition was key to achieving my eventual goal. Consider Drexel and take advantage of the Drexel Promise to assist you in completing your goals!
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104