College: Take Two

As I started my college career, I felt nervous. I felt excited. I felt all the things. I decorated my room. I met my roommate. I started classes. It wasn't right. I knew it. I tried to acclimate. I tried to tell myself it was just because everything was new, I was still getting used to "college life." But things continued being "not right." How could this be? I spent MONTHS pouring over where to go to college. Could I really have been that wrong? Did I not know myself at all? My friends at other schools seemed to fit right in. They were having fun! Why wasn't I?
Someone once told me, "We can't be afraid of change."
When I went home over fall break, I brought my feelings up to my parents. I truly thought that my parents would tell me to keep trying, to stick it out, that things would get better. So, I was completely taken aback when my mom said, "Well, then we better start looking at colleges again." And we did! We revisited some of my other choices. We googled. We made phone calls. By winter break, we had a plan. We had a new school.
In January, I started at Drexel. It is EXTRA scary starting a new school in the middle of the year, but you know what? Right from the get-go I was soooo much more comfortable here and happier here than at my previous school. This was where I was meant to be. I made the wrong decision originally, but as nerve wracking as it was to transfer schools, it was 100% worth it. If you know your school is not for you, take that step or even that leap! Make a change. Someone once told me, "We can't be afraid of change." I now know that to be true.
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104