Traveling Abroad for Drexel

Drexel Reps in front of a US Department of Homeland Security Banner

I began working in Admissions in 2014, primarily with students from the New York City area. But, with much volunteer work and training within the office, I began entering the international world in 2016. It was the decision of our director of International Admissions at that time to make a bold call and let me set off for a recruitment trip in Southeast Asia. I had never studied abroad in college, let alone even left the country before, but I was confident that I could carry through with the spirit of ambition instilled by Drexel.

Drexel Reps at a restaurant table

In the fall, I set off to visit Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to travel to these countries and more several times each year. Since, I have made wonderful connections to students, their families, school counselors and educational professionals.

Drexel Admissions Rep at a conference

To say I look forward to these trips annually does not hold justice. Now, I continue to connect with new students and old friends throughout the region. Our alumni base have been outstanding partners in helping share the tremendous opportunities at Drexel. It has been a wonderful journey, in which I found so much personal growth and learning — so I wanted to share some photos from these travels with you all.