Families, How Can You Help Your Student Get Ready for College?

Hi, family members of future college grads! This is Felipe from Drexel University Admissions. I wanted to take the time to write about an important life chapter, which is going to college. It is an exciting time for your student to spread their wings and fly high. While a great opportunity, it can also cause a lot of angst and concern in making sure that everything goes well. With that, how can you help your student get ready for college? Three tips come to mind.
Every student's transition is different, but always being their support system will play a large role in ensuring that they are comfortable and driven.
First, I would say to always be aware of what your student wants. Whether this is an individual or family decision, your student is the one going to college. This is the time for them to grow and be in the driver's seat. As you navigate through this college decision process, build that constant line of communication with them. Examples include knowing what their study interests are, what type of school they want, and what they need to do in getting to that point of being a successful college student. That type of awareness can not only help you be the best supportive family that you can be, but also allow your student to take full confident ownership in their college transition process.
Second, be sure to know what resources are available for your student. I say this for the high school and college side. Whether knowing information from guidance counselors, advisors, financial aid, or medical services, teaching your student about different resources and support systems that schools offer can help build trust in using different support systems to be successful college applicants and students. Being independent in college is important, but this journey does not have to be done alone. Fostering that message of being comfortable in getting help can go a long way.
Lastly, be sure to understand your student's financial aid package together. It is no secret that cost is a huge factor in getting ready for college. When figuring out how the balance is paid, allow your student to be involved in that conversation. Navigating finances and billing is important not only in college but beyond as well. Knowing different financial aid topics like the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), loans, billing dates, payment plans, scholarships, and grants will help students not only understand costs but also how to pay them off. Doing so is a service in making sure your student is financially conscious.
I am sure that there are more tips that families can provide their student with in regards to getting ready for college, but I believe that these suggestions are good starting points. Every student's transition is different, but always being their support system will play a large role in ensuring that they are comfortable and driven. It may be a lot of work, but the finish line of seeing your student graduate with their degree will be the ultimate payoff.
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