Insider Tips for College Application Success

Welcome to our college application blog, where we provide a wealth of information and guidance to help you successfully navigate the college application process. Applying to college can be an overwhelming and stressful experience, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can increase your chances of gaining admission to your dream school. In this blog, we will cover a wide range of topics, including choosing the right college, crafting a compelling application essay, securing strong recommendation letters, and much more. Let's dive in!

Drexel University applications opened on August 1st. Yes, that early!

The college application process can be complicated, but with the right information and guidance, you can navigate it successfully.

Some important deadlines to keep in mind:

  • November 1: Early Decision and Early Action Deadline
  • January 15th: Regular Decision Deadline

Below are a few tips to help you make the most of your college application process.

Research: Begin researching colleges and universities you're interested in to understand their admission requirements, programs, campus culture, and other factors that are important to you. This will help you narrow down your choices and make informed decisions.

Organize: Create a checklist of all the application components required by each college, such as transcripts, test scores, recommendation letters, and essays. Keeping everything organized will ensure you don't miss any deadlines or important documents.

Standardized Tests: If required, register and prepare for standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. Check the specific requirements of each college to determine which tests are needed. Drexel University is test-optional for at least the next three years, except for the BS/MD program. In addition, international applicants whose first (or native) language is not English and have not completed a minimum of three full years of instruction in English must take an approved English proficiency exam and permanent residents whose first language is not English may be requested to submit one as well.

Personal Statement/Essays: Start brainstorming and drafting your personal statement or college essays. Reflect on your experiences, goals, and aspirations, and craft compelling essays that showcase your unique qualities and demonstrate why you're a good fit for the college.

Letters of Recommendation: Approach teachers, mentors, or employers who know you well and can write strong letters of recommendation on your behalf. Give them ample time to write the letters and provide them with any necessary information.

Application Submission: Once you have completed all the necessary components, review them carefully for any errors or omissions. Submit your applications well before the deadlines to avoid any last-minute technical glitches or issues.

The college application process can be complicated, but with the right information and guidance, you can navigate it successfully. Please make sure to check out our Undergraduate Admissions team and make sure to reach out to us if you need more information or support throughout the application process. Remember to stay organized, start early, and reach out for support when needed. Good luck on your college application journey!