Let's Do Work

My children are fiercely independent and unapologetically stubborn. If they have an idea, they will work tirelessly to see it to fruition (or break a limb trying). I have deep admiration for the commitment with which they begin their pursuits — the fear of "no" or "not possible" doesn't seem to exist in their ethos (even when I can think of a million reasons why it probably should).

It's human nature to think that we are invincible, especially when it comes to our passion projects. And who am I to fight against human nature or the passion of a six-year-old building a living room fort?

I love that my kids want to share their grand vision of the Two-story Pillow Fort of Wonder with me. It makes me feel like a co-conspirator. Hearing them visualize with me the swimming pool of blankets that they will dive into by jumping from the back-of-the-couch-high-dive brings me a good amount of joy.

These days, knowing that resistance is futile, I've found myself more often than not saying "no" to the substantial living-room redecorations, saying things like "ok, how are we going to do this?" or "What tools are we going to need to get this done?" or "Can we accomplish this without breaking furniture?" This of course is my thinly veiled attempt to guide the chaos and channel the passion while still being read into the magic.

Somehow those initial planning conversations always end with some variation of "ok, let's get to work." They always include the word "Let's." And I realize that "let's" implies two things: 1. We're about to do some work, and 2. Somehow, I'm involved now. There is action. And we're in it together.

Drexel's grad team is here to talk through your next steps with you — to manage what may feel like chaos, help you channel your passion, and share in the magic.

I think about the spirit of this a lot in our work here at Drexel.

Knowing when and how to start graduate school can be really daunting, especially if you've been out of school for a while. But the events in the world today require you to act, even in the chaos; beg of you to learn more and be more and dig in to do the really hard work. You have a vision, and a passion, but knowing what you need to do next is where we can sometimes get deterred.

Here's the good news: Our graduate admissions counselors want to be your co-conspirators. Drexel's grad team is here to talk through your next steps with you — to manage what may feel like chaos, help you channel your passion, and share in the magic.

We're in this together, to help you build for your life, whatever it is that your passion project leads you to do next.

So let's start a conversation. And get to work.