Drexel Graduates

One-Year-Out Alumni Survey, graduating class of 20231

of Drexel undergraduates are working or enrolled in graduate or professional education.
of graduates working full-time were satisfied with their position.

of those working full-time are working in professions that are closely or somewhat related to their field of study at Drexel.

On Co-op at Drexel

Co-op employment records for 2023–24

co-op Employers

employers that hired co-op students.

co-op students

total students employed on co-op.

co-op salary

gross median six-month salary for an undergraduate co-op position.5


of co-op participants working full-time had received a job offer from a former co-op employer.1


of Drexel students secured a co-op position during the academic year.

Top Geographic Distribution of Co-op Student Experiences

international co-op locations
New Jersey
new york

Cooperative Education

Two students converse in a computer lab
Drexel's co-op program balances classroom theory with real world practice. Covering over 75 disciplines, this is one of the most comprehensive co-op programs.

How Co-op Works 

Drexel's innovative model of learning combines world-class academics with real-world experience, providing our Dragons the opportunity to see firsthand how the knowledge they gain in the classroom is being used every day in the field.

Learn More about the Co-op Experience

Select Co-op Employers

Return on Investment

Drexel graduates earn

Drexel graduates earn 11% above the national average. 2

Top 3% in Nation
lifetime earnings

Drexel ranked in the Top 3% of U.S. Universities for lifetime earnings.3

10th out of 120
Ranking in PA

Within Pennsylvania, Drexel University ranks 10th for graduates' median earnings.6

Average first year Full-time Annual Salary

average full-time annual salary of a Drexel graduate one year after graduation.1

Top 100
U.S. News & world report
National University Rankings, 2025
Top 50
U.S. News & world report
National University Rankings (Private Institutions), 2025
2nd Nationally
U.S. News & world report
National Co-op
/Internship Programs, 2025
Top 40
Drexel is ranked among the Top 40 Comprehensive Research Universities in the U.S. by the Department of Education in its 2022 College Scorecard.
Top 50
According to U.S. News & World Report, Drexel is in the Top 50 of Private Universities in the United States.

Alumni Success Stories

chris mckendry on sports center

By dismissing preconceptions and maximizing every opportunity that came her way, Chris McKendry (College of Arts and Sciences, '91) built a trailblazing career that saw her rise to become one of the most influential and respected journalists at ESPN.
Headquarters of Apple

Jim Bean's postgraduate experiences have ranged from executive at Apple to wine entrepreneur. Watch "Jim Bean – A Crazy One" to learn how a Drexel education helped shape his journey.
photographer in background, photography book in foreground

Jeffrey Stockbridge's photography is as much social commentary as it is art. Watch "Every Picture Tells a Story" to see how he uses the artistic skills sharpened at Drexel to bring awareness to the opioid crisis.

Footnotes referenced in the infographic on data sources:

  1. Report for spring 2023 One-Year-Out Alumni and 2023 Senior Exit Surveys for those completing a bachelor’s degree. Data reflect responses to One-Year-Out Alumni Survey with an effective knowledge rate of 55.3% and Senior Exit Survey, with an effective knowledge rate of 94%. Non-respondents to the One-Year-Out Alumni Survey that indicated affirmative plans for employment or graduate school (hired by a specific company or accepted to and planning to enroll in a specific graduate school) in the Graduating Senior Exit Survey are reflected in these results.
  2. National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) September 2023 Salary Survey.
  3. Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce, 2020.
  4. "College Scorecard." College Scorecard. U.S. Department of Education, 2022.
  5. The gross median six-month salary for undergraduate co-op positions that are both full-time and paid. More than 80% of all co-op positions are paid by the employer.
  6. Within Pennsylvania, Drexel University ranks 10th out of 120 predominantly bachelor's or above degree granting institutions in terms of median earnings of students working and not enrolled 10 years after entry.