Undergraduate Minors

Drexel offers a diverse range of over 100 different undergraduate academic minors, giving students the opportunity to explore their interests outside of their officially declared major.

Graduating with the addition of a minor demonstrates the breadth of their knowledge and their desire to get the most from their education. Drexel students can work with an academic advisor to declare a minor as early as their first year or throughout their Drexel career.

View the most up-to-date list of minors on the University Catalog.

Restrictions and Qualifications

  • Students cannot pursue a major and a minor in the same field of study. (Example: A marketing major cannot declare a marketing minor.)
  • Students must complete 30 credit hours of coursework prior to pursuing a minor.
  • Minors should only be added to a student's program of study with the expectation that the student will complete the credential by the time they complete their major requirements.

Refer to the University Catalog for specific program restrictions.


For more information, visit the college or school website that offers the minor you are interested in:

When meeting with the academic advisor overseeing your intended minor program, you are welcome to bring a plan of study from DegreeWorks that integrates the courses for your selected minor along with your major courses. Minor advisors are happy to help you with the details, so don't feel like your plan needs to be perfect before your meeting.

Quote-gradient Taking a minor gives me the opportunity to be flexible when I enter the working world. It will give me the chance to do several different things within my career.
Second-year Student, Minor in Finance
Quote-gradient When I decided to declare a minor, it made me appreciate my chance to have this education. Taking a minor also allows me to extend my studies past just my Accounting major.
Third-year Student, Minor in Organizational Management

Frequently Asked Questions