Family Web Chats

Families of new students are invited to engage via our interactive web chats to learn more about important events and resources.

As we welcome our New Dragons, including students who deferred their admission, to the Drexel Community, we know that you may have some questions regarding the University, financial aid, and support services before your Dragon arrives. You're invited to engage via our interactive web chats to learn more about important events and resources.

View the schedule below for the chat topics, dates, and times.

Upcoming Chats

Archived Chats

Housing Self Selection and Dining
This pre-recorded Family Web Chat will assist family members of our newly admitted Dragons in knowing more about the housing and dining here at Drexel. Beginning with a presentation by professional staff members whose focus is housing and residence life and closing with a Q&A — this Family Web Chat is where you can learn more about the Drexel housing and dining application process and residential experience for first-year students.