Termination of a Co-op Experience

In the event that a student is terminated from a co-op position, the student must contact their assigned co-op advisor immediately. The co-op advisor will review the situation with both the student and the employer. Once this process is complete, the student will be required to attend a probation meeting with the assigned co-op advisor and an assistant director in Steinbright. If, during this meeting, the student is placed on co-op probation, the terms of the probationary period will be outlined. The student will also receive email notification from Steinbright defining the terms of the probationary period and the conditions to which the student must adhere for resolution of the probation. If a student does not adhere to the terms of the probation, the student will receive a failed work term and No Co-op Units (NCU) will appear on the University transcript.

Quitting a co-op position without first discussing the situation with their co-op advisor is not acceptable and is against Steinbright policy. If a student ends their co-op employment early without approval from Steinbright, a co-op probation meeting will also be necessary. 

Please note: If a co-op ends unexpectedly for any reason, the University cannot provide financial compensation to replace any co-op wages no longer earned.

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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
The office is closed daily from 12 p.m.–1 p.m.