
A résumé will get you an interview, but it is the interview that gets you the job.

An interview is a conversation that occurs between a prospective employee and an employer or organization. Interviews are conducted by the employer to assess a candidate's personality, skills, background, and interests to determine if they are the best fit for a job they are looking to fill. An interview is a mutually beneficial conversation — meaning both the employer and prospective candidate are learning about each other in order to best determine if the job and job seeker are a match. 

Every employer has a preferred style of obtaining the information they need for their hiring decision. Below are some basic types of interview styles you may encounter. While most commonly utilized in in-person interviews, these formats can also be applied to remote interview settings, including phone or video conferencing. Some employers may choose to utilize a combination of different styles, but as long as you've prepared well for your interview, you'll be able to adapt to the situation they present. As you begin scheduling your interviews, inquire about the interview format and venue so you can include that in how you prepare.

Types of Interviews

Remote Interviewing

Beyond the format of the interview, how you are asked to interview — in person, by phone, or by video conference — also can have an impact on how you prepare for your interview. Consider the following information if asked to complete a remote interview.

Types of Remote Interviews

Interviewing Professionalism Rubric

Are you novice, average, or advanced at interviewing? Compare your skills with our Interviewing Professionalism Rubric [PDF].

30 Seconds to Impress

The answer to the question “So, tell me about yourself” is often referred to as your 30 Second Commercial or Elevator Pitch.

Big Interview

Practice your interview skills using Big Interview.

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