Finalizing Co-op Credits

Students will finalize their co-op credit during the last month of the co-op experience by completing the Employment Summary and Planner (ES&P) through the SCDCOnline system.

Completion of the ES&P results in a grade of Drexel Co-op Units (DCUs) for each term of co-op. Students must also attend a post co-op meeting with their assigned co-op advisor upon returning to campus. ES&Ps are read by the student's co-op advisor. Individual ES&Ps are not shared with employer or academic partners. Occasionally, employer partners request data on student feedback to improve co-op programs and academic partners request data to improve curricula. This data is aggregated and shared anonymously for this purpose.

Failure to complete the ES&P may result in all of the following:

  • Failed work term reflected as No Co-op Units (NCU) on the transcript
  • Lack of required DCUs (co-op credits) may impact degree requirements for graduation
  • Inability to participate in subsequent co-ops

Per the Statute of Limitations policy, Steinbright will not consider changes in grade or co-op registration after one year from the time a final grade is assigned.

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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
The office is closed daily from 12 p.m.–1 p.m.