The Future of Medical Education

Charles B. Cairns, MD, Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Dean and Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs

Charles B. Cairns, MD
Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Dean and Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs

The practice of medicine has always been demanding; the 21st century promises to increase the challenges facing physicians. Drexel University College of Medicine embraces these challenges as it strives to provide its students with an outstanding educational experience in the science and art of medicine. Our graduates are prepared to become lifelong learners ready to apply their clinical knowledge and skills, cutting-edge technology, humanism, and professionalism to the care of individual patients and community populations.

Our reaccreditation report from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education provided external confirmation of the strengths of our medical education programs. Positive citations from that accreditation process included our "exceptional concentration of committed, student-centered educators"; our educational leadership that creates a "unique, vibrant culture of educational excellence"; our "innovative, comprehensive career counseling"; our "exceptional" student support services; the use of technology to support "innovative" medical education; and our strong, collaborative growth in research — including synergies with our parent University — that has "produced a most competitive and exciting culture of scholarship, innovation, and opportunity."

Drexel University College of Medicine is committed to meeting the challenges of the future while building on our past values and strengths. We encourage you to become a part of that future. I welcome your interest in our medical school and encourage you to explore all the opportunities that we offer.

Charles B. Cairns, MD
Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Dean and Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs

Contact Information

Drexel University College of Medicine
Office of Admissions
60 N. 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

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