Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies PhD Programs

Drexel graduate student in a lab.

Biochemistry of Health & Disease - MS / PhD

Biochemistry of Health & Disease (BHAD) is a challenging, broad-based graduate program involving research and coursework. Through this graduate program, students work at the interface between chemistry and biology to probe the interactions between biomolecules that direct cellular function.

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About the MD/PhD dual degree program at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Physician Scientist – MD / PhD

The MD/PhD physician scientist training program is designed for a limited number of students who are strongly motivated toward a career in academic medicine and medical research. The program trains individuals in the fundamental clinical aspects of medicine and offers advanced training in a specific field of research.

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Photo by Kevin Egan, doctoral candidate, Laboratory of Stephen Jennings, PhD at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Microbiology & Immunology - MS / PhD

The graduate program in Microbiology and Immunology (MIIM) is a basic and translational science program that offers broad exposure to infectious disease pathogens and the host response to these pathogens, as well as development of novel diagnostics, biomarkers, therapeutic agents and vaccines for these diseases. Students will engage with a highly collaborative faculty that spans multiple departments and colleges for rigorous training in multidisciplinary approaches to prepare the student for future careers in research, teaching, administration, public health and more.

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A Molecular & Cell Biology & Genetics program graduate student working in a laboratory at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Molecular & Cell Biology & Genetics - MS / PhD

The Molecular & Cell Biology & Genetics (MCBG) program provides a broad education-training for graduate students interested in biomedical problems that cross disciplinary boundaries. Students have the opportunity pursue research interests under the guidance of faculty in six different departments/centers.

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A neuroscience graduate student working in a laboratory at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Neuroscience - PhD / MS

The Graduate Program in Neuroscience (NEUS) offers a broad exposure to cellular, molecular, behavioral, developmental and systems neuroscience. Under the tutelage of a highly collaborative faculty from a number of different departments, graduate students engage in rigorous training using multidisciplinary approaches and cutting-edge technology, together with a robust palette of courses and training experiences. Students are prepared for careers in academic research, teaching, pharmaceutical research, industry, government, academic administration, public policy and more.

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Drexel University College of Medicine Pharmacology and Physiology graduate student looking into a microscope.

Pharmacology & Physiology - MS / PhD

The Pharmacology & Physiology (PHPH) program offers graduate courses which require independent research under the direction of our faculty, who are engaged in highly active research programs involving molecular, cellular and behavioral approaches to experimental pharmacology and physiology.

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