MD/PhD Dual Degree Program Curriculum

The MD/PhD program curriculum trains students to become physician-scientists, providing them with the opportunity to earn an MD and a PhD dual degree. This program's unique curriculum emphasizes the relationship between medicine and research, both of which are fully integrated into the educational experience. Recently the MD/PHD program has undergone a major change in its curriculum. In the new curriculum, the entry point into PhD phase of the program is after the third year of medical school. Before the curriculum change, students entered the PhD portion of the training after completing two years of medical school. The entry after the third year of medical school, provides a more robust clinical exposure before graduate school and allows for more meaningful clinical engagement during the PhD training phase. Additionally, the new curriculum allows a more flexible re-entry to the medical school, helping trainees to complete their education in the shortest possible time.

On average, MD/PhD students complete the program in seven to eight years. That timeline is presented in more detail below. Please view our MD program course descriptions and doctoral programs in the Graduate School for course information.


During the first two years, students follow the basic medical pre-clinical curriculum, which includes an expanded Introduction to Clinical Medicine Course. MD/PhD students will take our new MD curriculum Foundations and Frontiers. In the third year of medical school (clinical year), students will do clinical rotations in Drexel-affiliated hospitals. In the first three years of medical school, students will acquire appropriate medical education and receive clinical exposure. Students will also have the opportunity to complete two rotations in research laboratories (areas of research below) with the ultimate intent of selecting a training mentor for their PhD thesis work. During this process, students are advised by the program directors and other members of the Steering/Advisory Committees.


The next three to four years focus on individualized advanced coursework, dissertation research and seminars within the PhD program to which the research training mentor is affiliated. Students also attend clinical seminars and presentations to maintain their clinical acuity; many students participate in patient-centered clinical activities.


After completing the PhD, students complete the final year of medical school, which involves required and elective clinical rotations and the opportunity for additional research. There are numerous opportunities for research during the fourth year of medical school, including a formal Research Pathway in which a student can receive credit for 16 weeks of research. Historically, MD/PhD students have taken advantage of this opportunity to return to their thesis lab to finish experiments and papers, do an elective at another Drexel lab, or do an away research rotation. Additionally, students can complete up to three different four-week research electives, and most of the graduates have utilized these research opportunities.

The MD and PhD degrees are awarded simultaneously upon completion of all the requirements.


In order to participate in the MD/PhD program, students must adhere to a set of academic policies and procedures. The program requirements were created by the MD/PhD Advisory Committee and are periodically reviewed and revised by the overseeing faculty. The guidelines are designed to help students succeed in the program and in their future careers as physician-scientists.

MD/PhD Policies [pdf]

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Drexel MD PhD Students