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Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy Postdoctoral Fellows & Research Associates

Postdoctoral Training Policies

Taegyo Kim, PhD

Tae Gyo Kim, PhD

Tae Gyo is a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Giszter's lab.

Koray Kirimtay, PhD

Koray Kirimtay, Postdoc, Baas Lab Member

Koray earned his PhD degree in molecular biology, genetics and biotechnology at Istanbul Technical University in 2021. At the beginning of his PhD, he studied transcriptional regulation of spastin and katanin. Additionally, during his PhD, beside generating induced pluripotent stem cell lines of rare neurodegenerative diseases, he conducted genetic research to identify disease-associated mutations and studied their functional relevance with the diseases. He joined the Baas Lab as a postdoc in September 2021, where he investigates the role of tau in Gulf War Illness, as well as the molecular basis of tau’s role in regulating microtubule stability in neurons.

Kurtulus (Kurt) Kullu, PhD

Kurtulus (Kurt) Kullu, PhD

Kurt (Kurtulus) has a computer science background with a BSc from the University of Edinburgh (UK), MSc from Ankara University (Turkey) and PhD from Bilkent University (Turkey). He joined the Ausborn Lab as a postdoctoral researcher in computational neuroscience in September 2021 while on sabbatical leave from Ankara University, where he has been working as an instructor for 14 years. Currently, his research focuses on the visual sensorimotor integration in Drosophila (fruit fly). More broadly, he is interested in understanding how biological systems compute.

Jun Liu, PhD

Jun Liu, PhD

Jun Liu, PhD, is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy at Drexel University College of Medicine. He has worked in the lab of Dong Wang, PhD, since October 2017.

Research interests:
Neural ensemble dynamics underlying learning and memory; fear and anxiety; optogenetics; imaging.

Research overview:
The hippocampal/parahippocampal region and the amygdala nuclei play a pivotal role in emotion, learning and memory. These related brain circuits are also involved in mnemonic dysfunctions associated with neuropsychiatric and neurological diseases, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and excessive anxiety. Dr. Liu is interested in understanding the underlying neural ensemble dynamics at circuit level by using multidisciplinary and integrated experimental approach in mice, including in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics, imaging, physiological markers and behavioral techniques.

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Dillon Chase Malloy, PhD

Dillon Chase Malloy, PhD

Dillon Chase Malloy is a postdoctoral fellow in the Côté Lab.

Alessia Niceforo, PhD

Alessia Niceforo, PhD: postdoctoral researcher, Fischer Lab

Alessia graduated with her BSc in biological sciences from Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in 2013. She received her master's in molecular, cellular and pathophysiological research summa cum laude at Roma Tre University of Rome (Italy) in 2016, and her PhD in molecular and cellular biology in January 2020, also at Roma Tre University of Rome. Alessia works in Dr. Fischer's lab as a postdoc.

Research interests: 
Spinal cord injury (SCI), induced pluripotent stem cells, glial cells, organoids, cell transplantation.

Research overview: 
Building on her experience in human stem cell culture, cellular engineering and reprogramming, Alessia is now studying cellular therapies for repair following SCI. 

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Shravan Tata Ramalingasetty, PhD

Shravan Tata Ramalingasetty is a postdoctoral fellow in the Danner Lab.

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Enlarged neuronet, glassy texture.