June 2022

This Week

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2L & 3L Students: Register for 2022 GPALS Philadelphia Virtual Job Fair

Deadline: August 12 at 12:00 EST noon

The Greater Philadelphia Area Law Schools Consortium (GPALS) is excited to announce that the 2022 GPALS Philadelphia Virtual Job Fair will be held on Friday, September 23. 2L & 3L students may register and apply for the fair as of Monday, June 27, 2022. The student application deadline is Friday, August 12 at 1



Honorable Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “Pursuit of Justice” Legal Writing Competition

Deadline: August 8

The Philadelphia Bar Association is pleased to announce the 2022 Legal Writing Competition in honor of the late Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. In so doing, the Bar Association recognizes the importance of excellence in legal writing and seeks to award a student enrolled in an ABA-approved Philadelphia-area law school for authoring a top-quality competition submission. The following information is provided to encourage your participation.

The Philadelphia Bar Association is pleased to announce the 2022 Legal Writing Competition in honor of the late Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. In so doing, the Bar Association recognizes the importance of excellence in legal writing and seeks to award a student enrolled in an ABA-approved Philadelphia-area law school for authoring a top-quality competition submission. The following information is provided to encourage your participation.

The Honorable Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “Pursuit of Justice” Legal Writing Competition is open to full-time and part-time law students who completed their second or third year of study by the end of the 2021-2022 academic year at one of the following six institutions: Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, Rutgers Law School, Temple University Beasley School of Law, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law and Widener University Delaware Law School. Part-time law students who were in their third or later year of study during the 2021-2022 academic year are also eligible. Students must be or have been in good standing at their institutions. Other than being published in a law review or journal at the student’s law school, as described further in the fifth bullet point of the Rules section below, the submission may not have been previously published. The submission also may not have been submitted for any other competition during the time when it is under consideration for this competition. The submission must be the work of one author alone (joint submissions will not be considered), and the author must certify that the submission has been prepared without substantial editing from others.

Candidates may submit a law review quality submission on any topic relating to rights, privileges, and responsibilities under federal law.

The author of the first-place submission will receive a cash award of $2,500 and the publication of the winning submission in The Philadelphia Lawyer and on the Bar
Association’s website and/or in an appropriate Bar Association publication. The winner of the first-place award will be invited to the Annual Meeting of the Philadelphia Bar Association, at which time the award will be presented.

If the Bar Association, in its discretion, determines that it is appropriate, it may also award second and third place prizes. The authors of the second and third place entries will be announced in The Philadelphia Lawyer.

Click here for full details on judging, rules, award, and application information.

Funding Opportunity


Class of 2023 - New Jersey Clerkship Applications Are Open

Apply Through the Application Portal. Sample materials, state specific information, panel recordings and answers to your frequently asked questions can be found at CSO’s online guide. Apply Through the Application Portal. Sample materials, state specific information, panel recordings and answers to your frequently asked questions can be found at CSO’s online guide. Clerkships are for everyone – apply for clerkships regardless of your GPA. Each judge has t



2022 Carole Bailey Scholarship

Deadline: September 15

The U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association will award at least one annual law student scholarship of up to $5,000.00, in honor of the Court’s former Chief Deputy Clerk of Administrative Services, Carole Bailey. The U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association will award at least one annual law student scholarship of up to $5,000.00, in honor of the Court’s former Chief Deputy Clerk of Administrative Services, Carole Bailey. 2022 Carole Bailey Scholarship Rules Deadline: September 15, 2022 (11:59pm Eastern Time) Who can apply? Students who are: Enrolled or enrolling in any law school accredited by the American Bar Association for the 2022/2023 academic year; and, Able to demonstrate either an interest in pursuing a public service legal career, or a past or present commitment to public service. An interest in the subject matter jurisdiction of the Court of Federal Claims is beneficial but not necessary for an applicant to be selected. An application must include: A curriculum vitae or résumé that contains the applicant’s current contact information, including em

Funding Opportunity


Blank Rome 2L Diversity Scholars Program

Deadline: July 22

Any 2L Student (or 3L Evening Student) interested in our Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, or Washington, D.C., office who meets the following requirements:

  • Belong to one or more historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, self-identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and/or have demonstrated a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) in their school or communities;
  • Possess strong academic and personal achievements; and
  • Express commitment and passion in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal industry.

Who can apply?

Any 2L Student (or 3L Evening Student) interested in our Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, or Washington, D.C., office who meets the following requirements:

  • Belong to one or more historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, self-identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and/or have demonstrated a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) in their school or communities;
  • Possess strong academic and personal achievements; and
  • Express commitment and passion in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal industry.

Program Benefits
Selected participants will receive the following:

  • A full-salaried position in our 2023 Summer Associate Program
  • $25,000 scholarship paid in two installments toward third-year law school expenses ($12,500 upon joining the program, and $12,500 provided the Scholar receives and accepts offer to return to Blank Rome as a full-time associate after graduation)
  • Exclusive mentoring, coaching, and professional development programs
  • Social networking events
  • Involvement with DEI strategy implementation

Please click here for more information and application instructions.

Funding Opportunity


Stradley Ronon CLE Event: Promoting Inclusivity for Queer Employees

Wednesday, June 15, 12:00 -1:30 p.m.

Stradley is excited to celebrate Pride Month and asked that we share this invitation with KSoL students as an opportunity to see into the types of trainings and programming the firm offers. Students should register through the invitation link below. On behalf of Stradley Ronon, we invite interested students to virtually attend the upcoming program, “Promoting Inclusivity for Queer Employees” on Wednesday, June 15, from 12-1:30 p.m. EST. Stradley is excited to celebrate Pride Month and asked that we share this invitation with KSoL students as an opportunity to see into the types of trainings and programming the firm offers. Students should register through the invitation link below. In celebration of Pride Month, please join Stradley Ronon for a CLE Event Promoting Inclusivity fo



Move the Needle 1L Virtual Learning Forum: Crushing it in Screening & Callback Interviews

Thursday, July 14, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm CT.

The Move the Needle Fund (“MTN”) is the first collaborative effort designed and funded with $5M — by Diversity Lab and four trailblazing law firms — to test innovative initiatives to create a more diverse and inclusive legal profession. MTN invites rising 2L students from historically underrepresented populations t



Reed Smith Philadelphia: Pre-OCI Open House & Reception

Wednesday, June 22 from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Are you interested in learning more about Reed Smith’s Philadelphia office? Our Open House at 3 Logan Square (Philadelphia, PA 19103) will provide rising



NYC Bar 2022 Summer Associates & Interns Annual Reception

Wednesday, June 22 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

The New York City Bar will host the annual welcoming reception in honor of summer associates and interns, their mentors and colleagues. The New York Ci



The Law School Outreach Summer Panel Series

The Law School Outreach Summer Panel Series will be held each Thursday at Noon from June 2 - July 28. Please note that registration is required for each individual meeting. The Law School Outreach Summer Panel Series will be held each Thursday at Noon from June 2 - July 28. Please note that registration is required for each individual meeting. June 2: Collaborative Advocacy in the Public Interest Community June 9: Post-Graduate Fellowships June 16: Immigration Practice and Immigrant Rights June 23: Personal Finance - How You Can Afford to Be a Public Interest Lawyer June 30: Professional Development - Direct Services/Community Lawyering July 7: Criminal Law and Prisoner’s Rights/Sentencing July 14: Professional Development - Cultural Competency in Public Interest Practice July 21: Policy and Impact Litigation July 28: Using the Bar Association and Other Networks and Resources to Expand Your Public Service Career Click here to register for one of the panel sessions! You must be registered through the Association’s site to receive the video conference ID and password. Registration will close 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time and you will receive the link to join immediately after registration closes. In order to register for the meetings, you will need to login to the Philadelphia Bar Association’s website first. Once logged in, registration will be available. If you’ve logged into our website before but this is the first time you've logged in since Nov. 2019, you will need to create a new password by clicking the Existing Users Create New Login button. We will use your email on file as your username. If you have never logged into our website before, you will need to create a new



Klehr Harrison Diversity Fellowship Program

Deadline: June 15

We encourage students to learn more and apply to the Klehr Harrison Diversity Fellowship Program. This program is intended to further our mission of recruiting and retaining candidates from diverse backgrounds, as well as those who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. We encourage students to learn more and apply to the Klehr Harrison Diversity Fellowship Program. This program is intended to further our mission of recruiting and retaining candidates from diverse backgrounds, as well as those who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to adv

Funding Opportunity


18th Annual Bay Area Virtual Diversity Career Fair

Saturday, July 23

In partnership with the San Francisco Bar Association, Orrick is thrilled to announce that registration is now open for rising 2L law students for the 18th Annual Bay Area Diversity Career Fair. In partnership with the San Francisco Bar Association, Orrick is thrilled to announce that registration is now open for rising



Morgan Lewis Recruiting Reception

RSVP by June 7 | Event on Tuesday, June 21 at 5:00 p.m.

Join Morgan Lewis for Summer in the City Recruiting Reception on Tuesday, June 21 at 5:00pm. Meet their lawyers in person. Hear about our cutting-edge experience. Get a feel for what it's like at Morgan Lewis. Events taking place in Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Orange County, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and Washington, DC.

Join Morgan Lewis for Summer in the City Recruiting Reception on Tuesday, June 21 at 5:00pm. Meet their lawyers in person. Hear about our cutting-edge experience. Get a feel for what it's like at Morgan Lewis. Events taking place in Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Orange County, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and Washington, DC.

RSVP by June 7 to the Morgan Lewis office where you would like to attend



Apply for Graduation!

Students who intend to graduate in September (at the end of the summer) should apply for their degree on DrexelOne by June 1. Students who intend to graduate in September (at the end of the summer) should apply for their degree on DrexelOne by June 1. Under the Academics tab, click “Apply for Gradu



Prepare for On-Campus Interviews with CSO's Cover Letter Review

Deadline: June 3

To help prepare students for OCI (on/off campus interviews), the Career Strategies Office is rolling out our Cover Letter Review Initiative. Students who submit a cover letter for review by June 3 will receive individual feedback on/before June 8. To help prepare students for OCI (on/off campus interviews), the Career Strategies Office is rolling out our Cover Letter Review Initiative. Students who submit a cover letter for review by June 3 will receive individual feedback on/before June 8. Cover Letter Review Submit your cover letter for review by June 3 and you will received comments and edits back from CSO by Wednesday, June 8. Whether you are applying for OCI, clerkships, or any other opportunity – cover letters are your chance to tell your story and highlight your strengths. Be sure your cover letter is application ready – submit today! Timeline Deadline to Submit – Friday, June 3 CSO will return resumes by – Wednesday, June 8 Student Instructions Accessing Symplicity Sign in to your Symplicity account via: https://law-drexel-csm.symplicity.com/students/index.php As a reminder your user name is your FULL Drexel email address (first.m.last@drexel.edu) How to submit your cover letter for review 1. Upload your draft cover letter on Symplicity Click the DOCUMENTS tab Select “MY DOCUMENTS” then click ‘Add New’ at the bottom of the screen. Select “cover letter” as the document type. Documents SHOULD be in WORD format. Symplicity will automatically create a PDF version. Save this document as DRAFT COVER LETTER. 2. Submit your cover letter for review Click the DOCUMENTS tab Select OPT-IN BOOKS/COVER LETTER REVIEW Use the “add resume/cover letter” button and choose your cover letter from the file list to be included in the Cover Letter Review Resume Book. Special Note for Mac users: To prevent document conversion incompatibilities, documents created on Mac computers in the Pages application should be saved as either .RTF or .PDF files prior to uploading. To ensure your document is converted properly, please click on "View as PDF" after you upload your document. If you are unable to open the PDF from the "View as PDF" link, re-save the document as a PDF and re-upload it to the system.



National Black Prosecutors Association (NBPA) 39th Annual Job Fair (Virtual)

Tuesday, August 2

Attached are the materials regarding the National Black Prosecutors Association (NBPA) Annual Job Fair taking place virtually on Tuesday, August 2. The conference is FREE for law students and 2022 grads who register by June 30, 2022. Attached are the materials regarding the National Black Prosecutors Association (NBPA) Annual Job Fair taking place virtually on Tuesday, August 2. The conference is FREE for law students and 2022 grads who register by June 30, 2022. The NBPA, established in 1983, is a professional member organization comprised of over 800 prosecutors. Their mission is to recruit, train, and advance the careers of minority attorneys as prosecutors at all levels of government. The annual convention serves not only as a job fair forum, but as a comprehensive legal training program for prosecutors. This information is also posted in Symplicity events. Additional information about the NBPA and the conference is also available on their website at www.blackprosecutors.org. Registration Regular Registration: May 1 - June 30 Law Students & 2022 Graduates: $0 Experienced Attorneys: $25  Late Registration: July 1 - July 15 Law Students & 2022 Graduates: $50 Experienced Attorneys: $100 Resources Applicant Registration Form Applicant Letter List of Past Participating Employers



Summer Schedule Update: Wednesday, July 27

As noted on the academic calendar, we have assigned two days to meet on a Monday schedule to make up for holidays occurring over the Summer. Friday, June 24 and Wednesday, July 27 will follow Monday class schedules. Note: Tuesday, July 26 has no scheduled classes, but may be used for make-up or review sessions. As noted on the academic calendar, we have assigned two days to meet on a Monday schedule to make up for holidays occurring over the Summ

