WRAP Court Toiletry Drive
Background on the Cause
WRAP Court (Working to Restore Adolescents’ Power) was created in 2015 in response to PA’s lack of safe harbor legislation. It is aimed at helping children and young people who are at risk of or are victims of commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking, and who come through the court system due to delinquency or dependency matters.
Often, youths in WRAP Court lack stability and move around a lot, which means they lose access to basic essentials. As costs for daily living are consistently increasing, Judge Kristiansson of WRAP Court has started a hygiene cart for her courtroom, which youths can take from as needed. The Support Center for Child Advocates is helping to organize a toiletry drive to gather necessary items for these young people.
Where Drexel Kline Law Students Come In
WRAP Court needs donations for the hygiene cart, and, as an added incentive, local law schools are competing against each other to see who can get the most donors (so the most individuals donating, not the most items). The winning school and organization putting the drive together will get shout-outs and prizes!
We are competing against Temple, Villanova, UPenn, Rutgers, and Penn State.
Items Needed
- Oral hygiene (toothpaste, floss, toothbrushes, mouthwash)
- Feminine hygiene (pads, tampons, diva cups)
- Socks (warm, men’s and women’s)
- Hair Products (brushes, combs, picks, shampoo/conditioner, oils, dry shampoo, hair ties/clips, styling products, hair wraps, and shower caps)
- Lotions (including sun lotion and after-sun)
- Body sprays and perfume
- Deodorant, soaps, hand sanitizer, body washes
- Makeup, nail polish
- Face wash, makeup remover, toner, face masks
- Monetary donations via Venmo (@Marra-Edwards, make it a public donation, and note who you are, e.g., Drexel student)
How to Donate
Drop the items off in the CSO office and sign the sheet with your name and donation, OR donate via Venmo following the instructions above.
Who Can Donate?
Absolutely anyone! Tell your friends, family, bosses, etc. If they want to donate toiletries, they can reach out to aas458@drexel.edu. If they want to donate via Venmo, they should follow the above instructions and remember to note who they are. We want everyone possible to donate on behalf of Drexel Kline Law!