
last updated August '22 

Drexel IT provides fully licensed Zoom Pro accounts to active students; emeritus, full and part-time faculty and professional staff. Alumni will have limited access (40 minute meetings) for one year following their graduation date. Non-employee associates, or NEAs, must make arrangements with their departments to purchase a Microsoft O365 license in order to access a Drexel Zoom Pro account. Both desktop or cloud-based licenses are available and provide access to Zoom, however the cloud version does have some limitations.  For more information please e-mail the Help Desk at helpdesk@drexel.edu or submit a ticket via RemedyForce under “Software and Cloud Services” to determine which version suits your needs. 

Zoom, like many of our enterprise applications, uses SSO or “Single Sign On”. 

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.” 

 When signing into our Zoom enterprise account, most users should click "Sign in Standard," but users who need to conduct HIPAA compliant meetings should click "Sign in HIPAA." Both will redirect you to Drexel Connect if you are not already logged in, so you can enter your Drexel credentials. If you are logging into Zoom via the desktop application, or from within Outlook, you will need to login with SSO and enter “drexel” as your company domain. 

Currently, all users can manually enable their Zoom accounts to automatically closed-caption/transcribe meetings live meetings. These meetings and the transcripts will be recorded and stored in the cloud, for up to 18 weeks. Additionally, automatic backup recordings are stored in every users’ Drexel Streams account once the recording is finished processing. To achieve the same results with meetings recorded locally to your computer, the meeting host can upload the video file to their Drexel Streams account and use the editing features to generate a transcript. Currently the majority of machine-generated transcripts are only approximately 80-85% accurate and therefore not truly ADA compliant. If a guest or participant requires ADA compliant captions please contact the Office of Disability Resources and VCaP will collaborate with them to ensure accommodations are arranged. 

If you have an existing, paid Zoom Pro account, unaffiliated with Drexel and you wish to merge it with the Drexel Account, contact ZoomAdmin@drexel.edu. Free Zoom accounts cannot be merged with paid accounts at this time. 

To attend virtual Live Training Webinars hosted by Zoom multiple times a day, visit their Learning Center and schedule a training at a time that is convenient for you. You may also browse their pre-recorded videos and knowledge base, at your convenience. If you have questions about Zoom that are specific to your Drexel account you may submit a ticket to VCaP by e-mailing ZoomAdmin@drexel.edu or visit our SharePoint site to browse video tutorials, Zoom Basics, or to check the Zoom Status page for services outages.

For more information, training or troubleshooting with your Zoom account, visit https://support.zoom.us or contact the Drexel Zoom Admin Team at ZoomAdmin@drexel.edu or 215.895.2324.

Drexel Background Images for Zoom

Right-click image and save to download the full-size image from your browser.

  • Drexel University Main Building Exterior
  • Drexel University Main Building Interior
  • Drexel University Mario the Dragon Statue
  • Philadelphia boathouse row lights night time
  • drexel logo patterned background