Voicemail Access and Instructions

To Access Voicemail

From your University provided phone

Pick up your handset, then press your message key or dial 4900. Enter your numeric security code when prompted. It is not necessary to enter the pound (#) key after you provide your security code.

From your home or mobile phone or anywhere on the public telephone network world wide

Dial 215-895-4900 to access the University voicemail system. When prompted enter your 10 digit telephone number, it is not necessary to enter the pound (#) key after your phone number. When prompted enter your security code. It is not necessary to enter the pound (#) key after your provide your security code.

From a University phone that is not your own

You may notice if you dial 4900 or press the Message key from a campus phone, you are not prompted to enter your mailbox number. Instead, the system by default assumes you are accessing the voice mailbox associated with that phone. If you want to access a different mailbox, enter the star (*) key, when prompted for security code. When prompted enter your 10 digit telephone number and then for the corresponding security code.

Listen to Messages

From the main menu, press 1 to play your messages. During playback you can perform the following functions:

  • Press 1 to pause/continue
  • Press 4 to increase playback speed
  • Press 7 to decrease playback speed
  • Press 6 to increase volume
  • Press 1 then 9 then 1 to decrease volume
  • Press 8 to reply to the message
  • Press 0 and then 0 again to get the sender's name and delivery information

After each message has been played you may perform the following functions:

  • Press 2 to forward the message
  • Press 3 to repeat the last five seconds of a message
  • Press 4 to delete the message
  • Press 5 to save the message
  • Press 6 to to replay the message
  • Press 7 to skip to the next message
  • Press 9 to advance through the message in five-second increments.

Restoring a deleted message:

If you delete a message by mistake, while you remain connected to the voicemail system, you can restore it. From the main menu, press 7 to retrieve deleted messages, after playing the message you wish to restore, press 4 to recover the message. Once you hang up from voicemail, deleted messages are irretrievable.

Recording and Sending Messages

From the main menu

  • Press 2 to record and send messages. You can do the following while in this menu:
  • Press 2 to pause the recording and press 2 to resume recording
  • Press 6 to listen to your message after recording
  • Press 3 when reviewing your message to back up through the message in five-second increments
  • Press 9 when reviewing your message to advance in five-second increments.
  • Press 4 to delete the message
  • Press 5 to send the message and then 9
  • Press 0, after recording the message for the following options:
  • Press 1 to specify future delivery
  • Press 2 to set urgent status
  • Press 3 to restrict forwarding the message
  • Press 5 to request return receipt information
  • Press 8 to leave a callback number

Changing your Greetings

Your personal greeting let callers know that they have reached the correct mailbox. You may record two different greetings: standard and out-of-office.

Standard Greeting:

From the main press 3 for Phone Manager Functions, then press 4 to record your standard greeting.

Out-of-Office Greeting:

From the main press 3 for Phone Manager Functions, then press 6 to record your out of office greeting.

Changing your Recorded Name

To change the recorded name, from the main menu press 3 for Phone Manager Functions, press 1 for Personal Options, then Press 5 to record your name.

Changing your Security Code

From the main menu press 3 for Phone Manager Functions, then press 1 for Personal Options, then press 4 to change your security code.