College-Specific Computer Recommendations
Below are a list of recommendations or links from a few of the colleges at Drexel. If your college is not listed, please follow the general recommendations that IT provides.
LeBow College of Business
LeBow publishes its own recommended computer configurations here.
College of Computing & Informatics
CCI publishes its own recommended computer configurations here.
College of Engineering
CoE publishes its own recommended computer configurations here.
College of Nursing and Health Professions
CNHP publishes its own recommended computer configurations here.
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
SBESHS publishes its own recommended computer configurations here.
Westphal College of Media Arts and Design
The Westphal College publishes its own recommended computer configurations.
Important Note for Apple Users
Students purchasing Macintosh laptops that may need to run Windows software must be prepared to partition their drive using BootCamp or run virtualization software such as Parallels or VMWare--and then INSTALL MICROSOFT WINDOWS BEFORE ARRIVING ON CAMPUS. Some Engineering software is only available for Windows. See the JourneyEd link in DrexelOne on the Drexel tab for availability of virtualization software and Windows. Information about BootCamp can be found here: