

Minors Program Registration - For Drexel Sponsors

Completion and submittal of this survey to is required before the start of any program, activity, service or event involving minors, on or off campus that is:

  • sponsored by any academic, administrative or athletic department of Drexel University, or
  • sponsored by non-Drexel, external entities using University facilities.

Template - Personnel List for Clearance Tracking [.xlsx]

When submitting a Minors Program Registration Form, please list all members of the Drexel community who you anticipate will have any kind of contact (defined as "care, supervision, guidance, control or routine contact") with minors throughout the duration of the minors activity. This list will be reviewed by the Protection of Minors Team for determination of who has the Pennsylvania Enhanced Background Certification (aka Clearances) on file, who needs to obtain it and who is exempt based on role.

The following forms serve as reference only. Please register the Minors Program first so that the Protection of Minors Team can determine which additional forms, if any, are needed.

Certification of Background Checks and Training for External Sponsors [PDF]

Completion and submittal of this form is required to certify that all Authorized Adults having Direct Contact with Minors, as defined by Drexel Policy, and employed by or volunteering for any non-Drexel, External Sponsor using University facilities, are in compliance with Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Laws and Drexel's Protection of Minors and Reporting Child Abuse Policy.

Minors in Research Laboratories Request [PDF]

This form must be submitted to the chair of the department, who will review and approve it based on (1) educational appropriateness and (2) whether the proposed activity represents an approved educational program of the department. The approved form is then forwarded to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, which will evaluate the request and notify the requesting faculty, professional staff member or student of the status of the request.

Informed Consent, Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability [PDF]

This form must be completed for all minor participants and signed by a parent/legal guardian. It is then retained by the program director/coordinator until the minor turns 25 years of age. This form is also available via Qualtrics upon request.