Half-Day Summer Fridays

In appreciation of our faculty and professional staff's work and dedication to Drexel, Half-Day Fridays will begin on June 21, 2024, and continue through September 6, 2024. All non-student-facing offices may close on these Fridays at 12 p.m. All student-facing offices must remain open with minimal staffing for the duration of normal operating hours. Other departments may not be able to close on half-day Fridays due to their unique operational needs and/or collective bargaining agreements. In the event the department must remain open, alternative flextime may be arranged with supervisor approval.

Frequently Asked Questions

My department must remain open on Fridays and...

How do I record Summer Hours on my timesheet?

I am a non-exempt employee and I have already worked 40 hours this week. Will the hours reported as Summer Hours be paid as overtime?

How do I record Summer Hours on my leave report?

What if I have a previously scheduled time off for Friday?

What if I call out sick?

I will be out on medical leave during the summer. Will I receive pay for half-day Fridays?