Drexel Continues Its 12-Year Streak of Recognition as “Healthiest Employer”

Doctor smiling at Healthier U fair

For the 12th consecutive year, Drexel University has been recognized as one of the healthiest employers of the Greater Philadelphia region by the Healthiest Employers program, created by Springbuk. This award honors Philadelphia-area organizations for creating exceptional workplaces that their employees value highly through programs that integrate mental health benefits, telehealth options, and virtual fitness/health and nutrition coaching.

For 2023, Drexel was ranked second place in the region amongst employers with 1,500-4,999 benefits-eligible employees. The six pillars of wellness used to evaluate Drexel and other employers include: Culture and Leadership Commitment, Programming and Interventions, and Communications and Marketing, among others.

At the center of Drexel’s commitment to fostering a culture of wellness is A Healthier U, a Human Resources initiative providing opportunities to support employee wellbeing and enhance the body, mind and spirit of the Drexel community. Through A Healthier U, eligible Drexel faculty and professional staff can participate in the Wellness Incentive Program, in which they earn points (one point = $1) for attending in-person or virtual wellness events, taking part in challenges, recording doctor’s visits, tracking activities on a Smart watch, or even incorporating just 10 minutes of healthy activity into their day via the Ten at 10 wellness program.

The 2023 Wellness Incentive Program closes for participation on Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. Eligible faculty and professional staff and their eligible spouses/partners must complete their Personal Health Profile before Nov. 30 to earn payouts for this year’s program. It’s not too late to earn points for enhancing your wellbeing. Details on how to earn and log points can be seen on the HR website.