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Linking Sustainability and Wellness at Work (15 Wellness Points)*

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

During this session we'll explore strategies for attending to both personal and community health while also making choices that tread more lightly on the environment. Water, plastics, food, air quality, transportation and more: we'll look at common misconceptions, some of the ways our personal choices have ripple effects, and we'll identify resources for learning more. The presenter for this event will be Jen Britton, Executive Director of Sustainable Development Strategy at Drexel University.
*Participants in our Wellness Incentive Program are eligible to earn 15 points (a $15 credit) for attending this event.

You must register for the Health Advocate Wellness Incentive Program AND complete your annual Personal Health Profile before you will be eligible to receive any payouts. Points for attending these events will be sent to Health Advocate on a monthly basis for the prior month’s activities. There will be a 6-week delay in these points and payouts being distributed. For information about our wellness incentive program, please visit:

Please contact Wellness Consultant Monica Fauble with questions:

Registration is required in Career Pathway.

Contact Information

Monica Fauble

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