Scholars Share: Conversations on Graduate Research


Scholars Share: Conversations on Graduate Student Research, a partnership between the Graduate College and Graduate Student Association (GSA), is an opportunity for current graduate students from across Drexel's colleges and schools, as well as postdocs and recent alumni, to come together to share their research endeavors and student experience moderated by a student leader and peer who facilitates questions and discussion from the audience. The program started in 2012 and has since featured well over 150 speakers, including Drexel graduate students, postdocs, alumni and invited undergraduate students from across Drexel’s colleges and schools, as well as a few invited guest speakers from neighboring institutions.

Overview & Program Format

The program features 2-3 graduate students, or others as invited, who present a brief 15-20 minute overview of their research endeavor(s) and talk about their graduate student experiences in an interdisciplinary context, touching on the challenges, benefits, successes, and implications of their work. The presentations are then followed by audience Q&A and discussion led by a peer moderator. The format of the presentations are entirely up to the speaker. We have had PowerPoint presentations, Prezi’s, short videos, case studies, discussion groups, demonstrations and more. Attendees typically include members of the Drexel community and presenters' family and friends, but everyone is welcome! Since 2020, the program has moved to a mostly virtual format to allow for more engagement from our online and remote community members and to make it easier for everyone to access. The program is also recorded and archived for later viewing.

Now, here's the challenge...

Scholars Share is not an academic conference or meeting. Presentations should not include technical jargon, intricate data or discipline-specific concepts that may not be understood by someone outside of the immediate field. Presentations are meant to be a personalized and general overview of your research and experiences at Drexel or elsewhere that you may have traveled or studied. As you prepare your presentation, whatever the format may be, think about why your research is relevant and important to the general public and on a broader scale. How does or can your research benefit from those outside of your immediate field? Presentation time is very brief to allow time for questions and discussion which means you may only be able to share a small portion of your work or experience. Keep it simple, but engaging.

Program Outcomes

The goals of the Scholars Share program are:

  1. To showcase Drexel graduate student research and experiences;
  2. To challenge participants to think about problem solving and research in new ways;
  3. And, to promote conversation and collaboration across disciplines.

Scholars Share 2022-2023

The STEM Spectacular Scholars Share Event - Tuesday, October 25, 2022 2 to 3 p.m. EDT
Getting Straight to Business Scholars Share Event - Thursday, November 10, 2022 12 to 1 p.m. EST
Celebrating Black Excellence Scholars Share Event - Friday, February 10, 2023 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST

Sign Up to Present!

To sign up to present at a future Scholars Share program, please click on the button below and complete the online form. Selection is not guaranteed by submitting a form. If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate College at

Sign Up to Present at A Future Scholars Share Program

Scholars Share Award

In some years, as funds allow, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) selects one Scholars Share presenter to receive an award. Here is a list of past winners:


Meghan Barrett
PhD Program in Biology
College of Arts and Sciences


Sarah Gleeson
PhD Program in Materials Science and Engineering
College of Engineering


To learn more about past speakers and programs, click on past programs in the left-hand menu.