Accelerated, Combined and Bridge Degree Programs

Dedicated to advancing knowledge in an environment that nurtures and encourages discovery, learning, exploration, and creativity, Drexel offers unique programs that allow students to engage in rigorous, experiential, technology-infused education, enriched by the nation's premier co-operative education program. Such are the Accelerated, Combined and Bridge Degree Programs.

Academically qualified students have the opportunity to pursue an undergraduate and graduate degree within established accelerated, combined, bridge degree programs published in the Course Catalog. These programs offer students rigorous graduate-level courses, engagement with faculty mentors, and often participation in research.

Application Process

A student must apply to be officially confirmed as an Accelerated Degree Program student when they have attained 90 earned credit hours and have no more than 120 registered credit hours. All applicants must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (some departmental standards may be higher and students are required to follow the guidelines as set forth by their respective programs) and must maintain this minimum GPA throughout the program. The completed process date on the form is the date on which the application is approved by the Graduate College.

The following documents are required to apply for acceptance into the accelerated degree program:

  1. Accelerated Degree Program Application & Contract- Generated by the advisor in via the Advisor Visit Tracking (AVT) system
  2. Academic Plan of Study

Once a student is officially enrolled in an accelerated degree program, the Graduate College of Drexel University monitors students' performance and academic progress by running a quarterly audit report.

Please review the Accelerated, Combined and Bridge Degree Program Policies on the Office of the Provost website.

4 Year + 1 Co-op (4COP) Accelerated Degree Programs

Students currently enrolled in a 4+1 (4COP) accelerated degree program, students are required to fill out the Accelerated Degree Level Conversion Form [PDF] upon completion of undergraduate and before registering for graduate coursework. This form is used for two purposes: (1) conversion in status from undergraduate level to graduate level at the time stipulated in the program or in the case of students who are enrolled in the accelerated degree program and unable to complete the program, (2) reversion in status back to the appropriate undergraduate program. Please note that conversion to graduate status occurs once spring grades are posted. After obtaining all the required signatures, please submit the form to the Graduate College of Drexel University in Main Building, Suite 301 or e-mail it to

More Information

Please email the Graduate College at with any questions.

Application Process for Advisors (ONLY)

Advisors should refer to the Drexel Advising Hub via SharePoint linked below for more information, resources, FAQs, and the step-by-step process of accessing/generated the accelerated degree application form via the Advisor Visit Tracking (AVT) system and how to submit additional materials for review by the Graduate College.

Drexel Advising Hub

Requires Drexel login via Single Sign-On


On a rare occasion a student may need to appeal the denial of acceptance into the accelerated, combined and bridge degree program. Reasons for appeal may include wishing to apply outside of the 90-120 credits or other extenuating unique circumstance related to their program application inability to adhere to the program requirements.  These appeals should be submitted to Graduate College at The appeal should include the name of the student, the program they have applied and been rejected from, the name of their UG and GR advisor and reason for the appeal. The Graduate will then review the submitted information, and if more information is needed the Graduate College  will reach out to the relevant party. The student and the advisor will then be informed of the outcome of the appeal.