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Adjunct Faculty Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is designed for faculty members teaching undergraduate classes on the University City and Center City campuses. Information for faculty in the College of Medicine is available through the College of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs & Professional Development as well as the College of Medicine Office of Educational Affairs.

Who should I contact regarding safety on campus, including emergencies?

Please contact Drexel Public Safety. The emergency line for the University City campus is 215-895-2222, and the Center City campus emergency line is 215-762-7111. In case of immediate emergency, you can also call 911.  

What should I do if a student is in emotional distress?

You should recommend to the student that he/she contact the Student Counseling Center. The emergency counseling line is 215-416-3337.

What should I do if I believe a student is a victim of sexual violence or harassment? 

As a faculty member, as required under OED-3 (see the Title IX Resource Page), if a student discloses any information regarding sexual violence or harassment, you are required to make a prompt report to the Office of Equality and Diversity. As in any emergency where the health or wellbeing of a student requires immediate response, call Drexel Public Safety or 911.

What should I do if I believe a student is a victim of discrimination or harassment based upon race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other protected categories? 

All faculty members are mandatory reporters under the University’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy (OED-1) and must promptly report to the Office of Equality & Diversity (OED) any such issue of which they become aware. For guidance on such issues, please contact OED directly at 215-895-1403.

Who should I contact for classroom needs and A/V support? What about spaces for individual or small group meetings with students? What should I do if my classroom is unexpectedly unusable?  

To request a specific classroom type for your course(s), for either the duration of a term or for specific dates, contact the University Registrar, in consultation with your department/unit. A/V support is provided by Instructional Media Services. Information on meeting spaces for the University City and Center City campuses is available online. For emergency classroom changes please find an available nearby classroom at and notify the Registrar’s Office via e-mail ( or telephone (215-571-3623).

Where can I find information about library services?

Drexel Libraries provide resources to Drexel faculty, including adjunct faculty members, such as Interlibrary Loan

Who should I contact for technical support with Drexel Learn (the online learning system), as well as other information technology (IT) questions? 

Technical support for both faculty and students is provided by Drexel IT, which includes the Instructional Technology Center, charged with providing Drexel Learn and other online learning technical support services. Your department/unit may also offer such services.

Where can I find information regarding course enrollment policies (adding/dropping/withdrawing from courses) as well as information on grading and exams? Where should I direct students for such matters? 

Drexel Central provides information on course enrollment policies and exam scheduling, and the University Registrar provides a helpful guide to grades and grading. Information on Senior Privilege and final examinations for seniors in the Spring Quarter is also available online. Students should be directed to Drexel Central for questions pertaining to these subjects (University City: Room 106, Main Building, Center City: Room 1142, New College Building).

What are my students’ rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policy?   

Drexel Central provides information on FERPA, and students should be directed to Drexel Central with questions.

Where can I find information on academic honesty/plagiarism, and other student conduct policies? 

The student handbook is your guide to student conduct policies.

Where can I find information on disability resources, including student accommodations? 

If a student raises any issue regarding a disability, you must refer the student to Disability Resources and send the student an email with the contact information for Disability Resources.

Where can my students get support for non-harassment diversity concerns? How can my students get involved with University diversity organizations? 

The Student Center for Diversity and Inclusion handles student non-harassment diversity concerns and offers information and resources for students wishing to get engaged with diversity at Drexel.   

Where can my students get support outside of the classroom for writing, math, and other subjects?

Students can take advantage of the Writing Center , the Math Resource Center, as well as the Center for Learning and Academic Success Services.

Where can my students get information on co-curricular activities and other student life matters that fall outside of the classroom? 

The Office of Campus Engagement provides a wealth of opportunities for student engagement outside of the classroom. Students living in Drexel residence halls can also contact the residential management team

Where can I get information regarding onboarding procedures, campus maps and academic calendars, as well as details on teaching resources and university/department resources not covered in this FAQ sheet? 

The Resource Guide for Adjunct Faculty, published by the Office of Faculty Advancement contains a wealth of information on these topics that is applicable to all faculty engaged in the teaching and learning process at Drexel.

Where can I get support and developmental programming for the teaching and learning process?

For further information on such programming please contact the Office of Faculty Advancement at or 215-895-2141.  

Resource Guide for Adjunct Faculty

The Resource Guide for Adjunct Faculty, provided in PDF format, contains a wealth of information tailored to the specific needs of Adjunct faculty. Please note that although many of the services mentioned are available to all faculty, this resource guide is primarily targeted at Adjunct Faculty teaching undergraduate courses.

Resource Guide Contents

Getting Started Teaching Resources University/Department Resources

Introduce Yourself to the Professional Staff in Your Department

Special Classroom Requests Work Requests

New Employee Paperwork

Audio-Visual and Graphic Services

Photocopying / Scanning

Conflict of Interest Program / Compliance Trainings

University Libraries / Copyright Law

Dining Options at Drexel University

Payroll Basics

Online Learning


Drexel Email Account

Book Orders


DrexelOne Portal

Office Hours

Drexel Campus Bus Service

Drexel ID


Public Safety
Dragonfly Wireless Internet Accessibility (Disabilities) Statement School Closing Information
Office Space / Campus Meeting Spaces Academic Integrity / Honesty / Plagiarism Additional Useful Weblinks
Academic Calendars, Campus Maps Attendance Policy University City Campus Map
The Office of Faculty Advancement Students Adding Courses Center City Campus Map
  Students Dropping / Withdrawing from Courses Queen Lane Campus Map
  Grading / Incompletes / Final Exams
  Graduating Undergraduate Seniors  
  Course Evaluations  

Drexel Systems Access for Adjunct Faculty

Below is a detailed explanation of systems access provided to Adjunct faculty at Drexel.

  • DrexelOne: Adjunct faculty members may activate their DrexelOne accounts once their hiring paperwork has been processed by Human Resources, starting 60 days before the job start date listed on their hiring paperwork and up through the job end date listed on their hiring paperwork. As long as the account is activated within this window, it remains active for 12 months after the job end date.
  • Drexel E-mail Account: Adjunct faculty members have access to their Drexel e-mail accounts while their DrexelOne accounts are active. Adjunct faculty members should familiarize themselves with the University's e-mail policy
  • Drexel Learn: Adjunct faculty members have access to Drexel Learn while their DrexelOne accounts are active. Adjunct faculty members requiring access prior to this may contact the Instructional Technology Group.
  • DragonCard (Drexel ID): Adjunct faculty members may pick up their DragonCard starting 24 hours after the job start date listed on their hiring paperwork, and their card is valid until 12:00 am on the job end date listed on their hiring paperwork. Any special access needed by a faculty member is handled by the individual department. DragonCards will continue to work under the same parameters for subsequent appointments of adjunct faculty members, provided that the adjunct faculty member’s subsequent EPAF has been submitted and the EPAF process has been finalized with Human Resources.
  • Drexel Libraries: Adjunct faculty receive library privileges starting on the job start date listed on their hiring paperwork, and maintain access until the job end date listed on their hiring paperwork. Adjunct faculty can find more information about Libraries services here:
  • University Announcements: Adjunct faculty members begin receiving university announcements as soon as they have activated their Drexel e-mail accounts, and continue to receive announcements for 12 months after their job end date.
  • Drexel Directory: Adjunct faculty members will begin appearing in the Drexel Directory as of their job start date and will maintain presence until their job end date.

Note: Adjunct faculty members requiring password assistance during the 12 months after their job end date should contact the Drexel IT helpdesk at 215-895-2020 or

Instructional Technology Workshops

The Office of Information Technology (Drexel IT) offers instructional technology workshops to all Drexel faculty, including adjunct faculty members, and offers certain workshops during evening hours to better accommodate the needs of adjunct faculty. A complete listing of upcoming Drexel IT workshops is available online.

Health Care Benefits for Adjunct Faculty Members

Effective January 1, 2015, all Drexel non benefit-eligible employees, including adjunct faculty members, who worked an average of at least 30 hours per week over the previous 12 month period, are offered health benefits in accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

We recognize that classroom hours alone do not adequately account for the time and energy that goes into teaching a course. Consistent with ACA guidance, Drexel calculates adjunct teaching hours by multiplying each credit hour by a "reasonable" factor to account for preparation time, grading, etc. For a standard lecture course, the ACA provided an example of a factor that would be considered reasonable of 2.25, which is what Drexel has chosen for calculating hours worked. However, the factor varies depending on the type of course being taught (e.g. lab, lecture, full instruction). Each school's academic administrators have a chart defining how to perform these calculations. For example, a three-credit lecture course would count for 6.75 work hours per week.

At Drexel, each adjunct faculty member's total workload is calculated by looking back over the previous 12 months and determining what would constitute 9 months of the equivalent of 30 hours per week of work. While the ACA mandates medical coverage only, Drexel goes beyond the minimum and offers all ACA-eligible adjunct faculty dental, vision and prescription drug coverage as well. ACA-eligible adjunct faculty members are offered the same four medical plan options as full-time faculty and professional staff, at the part-time benefit-eligible rates. Coverage is offered for 12 months, provided the adjunct faculty member continues to be employed at Drexel.

If you have specific questions about the Affordable Care Act or benefits eligibility, please contact Kristin Bellamy, Senior Benefits Consultant, at or 215-895-4985.

Departmental Contacts for Adjunct Faculty

These key contacts can assist you with questions as you get started, as well as throughout the term. Please click on your College/School to open the drop-down list of contacts.

Center for Food and Hospitality Management

Culinary Arts and Food Science Rosemary Trout, Program Director Tel: 215-895-6025
Hospitality Management Michael Traud, Program Director Tel: 215-895-0922
Center-Wide Contact Diane Karch, Program Administrator Tel: 215-895-0913

Center for Sport Management

Center-Wide Contact Joel Maxcy, Director Tel: 215-895-2351

Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

Architecture, Design and Urbanism Janice Lyons, Assistant to the Department Head Tel: 215-895-2071
Art and Art History Shell Myers, Administrative Coordinator Tel: 215-895-1336
Arts and Entertainment Enterprise

Bridget Lynch, Program Administrator

Christiana Kugel, Department Assistant

Tel: 215-895-6402

Tel: 215-895-2453

Digital Media  Daphney Wright, Administrative Assistant Tel: 215-895-2554 
Fashion Design and Merchandising Joanne Caruso, Administrative Assistant Tel: 215-895-2390
Graphic Design Bill Rees, Program Director Tel: 215-895-1836
Photography Paul Runyon, Program Director Tel: 215-895-2932
Performing Arts Helene Engel, Department Administrator Tel: 215-571-4440
Cinema and Television Sharon Walker, Assistant to the Department Head Tel: 215-895-2407

Bennett S. LeBow College of Business

Accounting and Tax Jocelyn Craighead, Department Manager Tel: 215-895-2116
Decision Sciences & MIS Jenna Rose Pepe, Department Manager Tel: 215-895-2130
Economics Michele Sykes, Department Manager Tel: 215-895-6156
Finance Angel Hogan, Department Manager Tel: 215-895-1741
Legal Studies Kimberly Williams, Department Manager Tel: 215-895-2145
Management Alison Geigert, Department Manager Tel: 215-895-2143
Marketing Kim Williams, Department Manager Tel: 215-895-2145

College of Arts and Sciences

Anthropology  Sharon Wallace, Department Administrator  Tel: 215-895-2456
Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science  Amanda Leslie, Department Administrator   Tel: 215-571-4651 
Biology Brenda Jones, Department Administrator Tel: 215-895-2788
Chemistry Susan Rutkowsky, Assist. Dept. Head Tel: 215-895-1509
Communication  Sharon Wallace, Department Administrator  Tel: 215-895-2456 
Criminology & Justice Studies Rachel Koresky, Department Administrator   Tel: 215-895-1314
English and Philosophy Mary Beth Beyer, Department Administrator Tel: 215-895-6911
Global Studies & Modern Languages  Jessica Kratzer, Department Administrator  Tel: 215-895-1863 
History Jonathan Seitz, Assistant Department Head Tel: 215-895-0996
Mathematics David Ambrose, Assoc. Department Head Tel: 215-895-6247
Physics Laura D'Angelo, Research Coordinator Tel: 215-895-2711
Politics  Irene Cho, Department Administrator Tel: 215-571-3852
Psychology (Undergraduate) Devon Thomas, Academic Advisor Tel: 215-895-0487
Psychology (Graduate) Damaris Oquendo, Academic Coordinator Tel: 215-553-7119
Sociology  Rachel Koresky, Department Administrator Tel: 215-895-1314

College of Computing and Informatics

College-Wide Contact  Melissa Englund, Associate Director of College Operations Tel: 215-895-1904

College of Engineering

College-Wide Contacts 

Linda Lee, Senior Director, Finance and Planning

Sharon Yates, Director, Finance

Tel: 215-895-5958

Tel: 215-895-2541

Chemical and Biological Engineering Andrea Falcone, Office Manager Tel: 215-895-2227
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Sharon Stokes, Assistant to Department Head Tel: 215-895-2341
Electrical and Computer Engineering Kathy Bryant, Executive Assistant to the Dept. Head Tel: 215-895-1723
Materials Science and Engineering Richard Knight, Assoc. Department Head
Sarit Kunz, Assistant Director, Student Services

Tel: 215-895-1844
Tel: 215-895-2328

Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics David Miller, Interim Department Head Tel: 215-895-2429
Construction Management  Jessica Cruz, Academic Advisor Tel: 215-895-5943
Engineering Management  Chris Morse, Program Manager  Tel: 215-895-2354 
Engineering Technology  Gery Willis, Program Manager   Tel: 215-895-6253 
Project Management  Mercedes Moultrie, Program Manager  Tel: 215-571-3939 
Property Management  Mercedes Moultrie, Program Manager   Tel: 215-571-3939 
Systems Engineering  Chris Morse, Program Manager   Tel: 215-895-2354 

College of Medicine

College-Wide Contact Jackie Shepeski, Senior Academic Coordinator Tel: 215-762-4126

College of Nursing and Health Professions

Primary College-Wide Contact Alecia Fox, Assistant Dean, Nursing Faculty Affairs Tel: 267-359-5865
Behavioral Health Counseling Susan Romano, Program Coordinator Tel: 267-359-5516
Couple and Family Therapy Susan Romano, Program Coordinator Tel: 267-359-5516
Creative Arts in Therapy Darin Dunston, Program Coordinator Tel: 267-359-5512
Doctoral Nursing Anna Pohuly, Program Coordinator Tel: 215-762-2651
Health Administration Susan Feinstein, Program Coordinator Tel: 267-359-5543
Health Sciences  Gladys Clapano-Mozdzonek, Program Coordinator II Tel: 267-359-5721 
Physician Assistant Denise Mielechowski, Business Manager  Tel: 267-359-5749
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences  Karen Grossmann, Program Administrator Tel: 267-359-5538

School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

School-Wide Contact Natalia Broz, Grad, Studies and Special Projects Coordinator Tel: 215-895-2044

School of Education

Creativity and Innovation  Allen Grant, Department Head, POL   Tel: 215-895-6232 
EdD Program    Allen Grant, Department Head, POL  Tel: 215-895-6232 
Educational Administration Allen Grant, Department Head, POL Tel: 215-895-6232
Educational Policy  Allen Grant, Department Head, POL  Tel: 215-895-6232 
Global and International Education  Allen Grant, Department Head, POL Tel: 215-895-6232 
Higher Education   Allen Grant, Department Head, POL  Tel: 215-895-6232 
Learning Technologies  Janet Sloand, Program Director, Special Education  Tel: 215-571-4470 
Mathematics Learning and Teaching  Janet Sloand, Program Director, Special Education Tel: 215-571-4470 
PhD Program Allen Grant, Department Head, POL Tel: 215-895-6232
Special Education Janet Sloand, Program Director, Special Education Tel: 215-571-4470 
Teacher Education Janet Sloand, Program Director, Special Education Tel: 215-571-4470 

Thomas R. Kline School of Law

School-Wide Contact  Mary McGovern, Assistant Dean Tel: 215-571-4815

Dornsife School of Public Health

School-Wide Contact  Academic Affairs

Adjunct Faculty Senate Representatives

Adjunct faculty members are represented with voice but not vote on the Faculty Senate. Four adjunct representatives, and alternates, come from the colleges that employ the most adjunct faculty, including the College of Arts & Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Professions, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, and the School of Education. The current representatives are:

College of Arts and Sciences

Stephen Iwanczuk -
Alternate: Blythe Davenport -

College of Nursing and Health Professions

Alternate: TBA

Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

Rosemary Murphy -
Alternate: Rashida Salam -  

School of Education

Laura Receveur -
Alternate: Alice Reyes - 

Meeting Spaces

In addition to any office space provided by your department, the following locations are available for meetings:

Open Meeting Spaces, No Reservation Required

Available space open to the university community that can be used to meet with students one-on-one or as a small group.

  • University Club, City View Room: Monday  Friday, 4:00pm 10:00pm (as available)
  • Library Learning Terrace: hours are available online 
  • Gerri C. Lebow Student Living Room: Monday – Friday, 7:00am – 10:00pm
  • Ross Commons, 2nd Floor: Monday – Sunday, 8:00am – 11:00pm
  • Hagerty Library Lower Level Seating Area: Monday – Thursday, 7:30am – 2:00am | Friday, 7:30am – 8:00pm | Saturday, 10:00am – 8:00pm | Sunday, 10:00am – 2:00am

Reservable Meeting Spaces at Drexel Libraries

Drexel Libraries maintains a total of 40 group study rooms on the University City, Center City and Queen Lane campuses. Any Drexel faculty, student or staff member may use a group study room on a drop-in basis or may reserve one online for small group or one-on-one interactions. These interactions often include meetings between faculty and students. Group study rooms can be reserved online.

Research Connections (Room 210) is a designated conference room within W. W. Hagerty Library providing a quiet space for Drexel faculty to retreat for individual work in proximity to others or for scheduled collaborative sessions. It offers a dozen movable and comfortable seats, a white board, a projector and screen, power outlets and a speakerphone. Access to the room is through the Administrative Office suite (Room 203), Mondays-Fridays 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Requests to book Research Connections can be submitted online.

Additional Reservable Meeting Spaces

The reservable spaces listed below can be booked by accessing the Campus Reservation System. Please note that you will need to obtain your department's fund and org numbers so that you can provide them on the form (this information will only be used to ensure prompt processing of your request - your department will not incur any charges).

  • Ross Commons 302
  • Ross Commons 316
  • MacAlister 2020