BS/MS Programs

What is a BS/MS Program in Engineering? 

The BS-MS Program is an accelerated curriculum leading to earning both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in just five years. Any student, who is academically qualified, can earn two diplomas in the time it normally takes to earn a Drexel bachelor’s degree alone and graduate with specialized knowledge and expert training that will be an advantage in a wider range of career opportunities.  

The BS/MS program gives the opportunity to combine the practical experience of the Drexel co-op and the graduate-level credentials of an advanced degree. If you enroll, you have many options to pursue your chosen interests – earn the master’s in the same subject or choose a different field. 

Interested students will want to start planning their curriculum in their second year and should discuss the possibility of enrollment with their advisor as early as possible.

2021 graduate Abigail Clune earned her BS and MS degrees in computer engineering.

Student Spotlight

2021 graduate Abigail Clune earned her BS and MS degrees in computer engineering.

Abigail’s Story

Accelerated Degree Programs

Details on these programs can be found in the Drexel Catalog.