Research Area
The Drexel Advanced Infrastructure Materials (AIM) research group is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research unit. The research areas that we are mainly interested in are (1) development of advanced, novel, and sustainable construction materials, and (2) enhancing the durability and resilience of concrete infrastructure using advanced materials characterization, monitoring, and nondestructive techniques. Lightweight aggregate from coal combustion ash, 3D-printer, fiber-reinforced polymers, soy-based concrete sealant, geopolymer concrete, microbial self-healing concrete, phase change materials, advanced cementitious materials, and carbonated calcium silicate concrete for carbon sequestration are examples of our research activities.
Research Goals
The main goal of the ASIM research group is to enhance durability, resilience, and sustainability of civil engineering infrastructure through materials related research.
Faculty: Dr. Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam (
AIM Website