Academic Programs

Many universities separate the disciplines of civil, architectural, and environmental engineering. Here at Drexel, we fold them together into one unified department because we believe that’s what produces the best engineer. Our CAEEs are the public face of engineering, overseeing projects and design solutions that are most often encountered in the public sphere – water reclamation systems, bridges, dams, roads and highways, structural systems for “green” buildings, air pollution mitigation systems. We differ from other engineering fields because our solutions are not mass-produced. They are usually “one-off” projects deployed under highly variable conditions. Sustainability and resilience are primary concerns. The natural environment is a dominant player in any design solution. And our graduates need to interact well with diverse stakeholders.

The Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering offers three BS program degrees in Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, with multiple hands-on research opportunities and co-ops both here and abroad. Those who qualify can pursue a five-year BS/MS degree. Students also have the opportunity to earn dual degrees. CAEE offers Masters and PhD tracks in all three programs.

Bachelor’s Degrees

Master’s Degrees

Doctoral Degrees