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Opportunities for MCH Trainees and Prospective Students

What is a Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Trainee?

The MCH Program at Drexel Dornsife is a Track 2 MCH catalyst program, which means that the program is funded through the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s (MCHB) Division of Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development (DMCHWD).

Students who regularly participate in MCH activities and complete MCH course work and/or MCH projects including APEs and ILEs are considered Drexel MCH Catalyst Trainees.

MCH trainees at Dornsife benefit from being connected to a diverse network of MCH students and professionals nationwide through the HRSA/MCHB’s Division of MCH Workforce Development MCH Training Programs (the only federal training programs dedicated to advancing exemplary MCH practice and leadership).

Contact the MCH program to learn more about opportunities available to MCH trainees through HRSA and the Division of MCH Workforce Development or if you would like to be added to the MCH student email listserv:

Maternal and Child Health Practical Experiences

Dornsife’s Masters of Public Health (MPH) students complete a community-based Applied Practical Experience (APE) and an Integrated Learning Experience (ILE) project as part of their program.

The APE (also commonly called a practicum) and ILE offer practical experiences that enhance skills and build upon classroom knowledge. Meet Dornsife alums whose MCH practicums led them to successful roles in the field of maternal and child health.

MCH trainees have had opportunities to focus on real-world maternal and child health challenges at a wide array of APE sites and ILE partners including:

MCH Student Groups

There are currently two university-recognized graduate student groups available to students interested in MCH.

Drexel Maternal and Child Health Student OrganizationThe MCH Student Organization (MCHSO) is a Drexel student-run group for those with broad interests in MCH. The Drexel Chapter of the National Perinatal Association's Student Society (NPASS) exists within the MCHSO. NPASS is an interdisciplinary student organization of the National Perinatal Association focusing on interdisciplinary education, scholarship, advocacy, and service. To join MCHSO or for more information, contact

Follow on Instagram: Drexel_mchso

Drexel Peer Health EducatorsThe Peer Health Educators (PHE) seeks to raise awareness about the disproportionately high infant mortality rates among racial and ethnic minorities through peer education at the college level as well as community involvement. To join PHE or for more information, contact

Follow on Instagram: Drexelphe

MCH Trainee Conference Awards

The MCH Program allocates funds to support MCH trainees to attend relevant public health conferences. Financial support will be awarded to full-time trainees in good academic standing who demonstrate interest in MCH and are actively involved in the MCH Program. This support is intended for MCH-related professional development activities such as conference attendance and providing an oral or poster presentation at a meeting or conference.

Trainees have been supported to attend conferences such as:

Interested trainees should contact the program at to request an application. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but should be submitted no later than 30 days before the requested conference dates.

MCH Scholarships

The Joseph C. Tringali Memorial Scholarship offers financial assistance in the form of a $5,000 tuition scholarship to a student committed to the improvement of MCH. The scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates a firm commitment to embarking on a career in public health that will address the challenges facing disadvantaged children and mothers and improve their opportunities for healthy and productive lives.

The Go Beyond MCH Emerging MCH Graduate Student Scholarship is the result of a partnership between Go Beyond MCH and the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP). Funds are designed to assist graduate students in furthering their education while sponsoring their attendance at the AMCHP Annual Conference to hone their leadership skills and connect them with existing leaders within MCH. The scholarship recognizes an outstanding graduate student that is completing their Master’s or Doctorate in an MCH field.

MCH Workforce Development Awards

The MCH Program at Dornsife has limited funds to support student projects (such as Applied Practical Experiences) related to maternal and child health. Projects must include a component related to increasing the knowledge and/or skills of the maternal and child health workforce.

Financial support will be awarded to selected students in good academic standing in the School of Public Health who have demonstrated strong interest in maternal and child health. Enrollment in the MCH Certificate or MCH Minor will strengthen your application. Eligible applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.

If interested, review and submit the application and email with questions.

Additional MCH Opportunities

Explore below for additional MCH opportunities including fellowships, internships, and networking:

The American Public Health Association (APHA) Membership and MCH Section Student Fellowship: This program is an exciting and unique opportunity for students to learn more about the MCH field and to be actively engaged in the activities of the APHA MCH Section. During a year-long intensive student fellowship in MCH fellows have an opportunity to learn more about APHA and the MCH Section by doing such things as participating in business meetings, serving on various Section committees, working on Section policy statements, assisting with Section activities for National Public Health Week, helping to organize oral and poster sessions for the Annual Meeting, etc. Student Fellows are matched with a public health mentor in the MCH field who is serving in a leadership role in the MCH Section.

The Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH) Student Membership: ATMCH offers a forum through which interdisciplinary MCH-related faculty, staff, practicing professionals, and students can share knowledge, ideas, and skills essential to teaching MCH. Membership is free!

The Making Lifelong Connections MCH Conference: An annual MCH conference and networking opportunity open only to current and former trainees from MCHB funded training programs. Email for details.

The National MCH Workforce Development Center Title V Summer Internship: An annual summer internship opportunity for MCH trainees to participate in internships in state Title V programs. Watch this video to learn more about the Title V MCH Internship Program! For more information, email

The Division of Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development (DMCHWD) Student Internship Program: Applications accepted on a "rolling" basis for Winter/Spring, Fall, and Summer internships from highly motivated graduate students and undergraduate seniors at schools of public health or other health-related training programs in the United States. The internship is designed to educate, engage, and support future leaders in MCH.

Federal Government Pathways Program Student & Recent Graduate Opportunities: The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree. There are three different paths available: Internship Program (current students), Recent Graduate Program (within 2 years from obtaining degree), and Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program (within 2 years of obtaining a professional degree including Master's and PhD. Note that these programs are not necessarily MCH-specific and are determined based on the individual needs of the host agencies.

Maternal & Child Health National Network: A network of MCH students and early professionals ready to share information, opportunities, and actions. The network is led by students and alums of MCH Centers of Excellence and Catalyst Programs.

Marissa Campbell headshot

MPH Student Reflects on Title V Maternal and Child Health Internship

A passion for maternal and child health leads to summer internship supporting a needs assessment in NJ state government.

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