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Featured Publications from MCH Faculty, Students, and Staff at Dornsife

A team of faculty, staff, and student researchers at Dornsife authored A Virtual Home Preparedness Intervention Centered on Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs, published in Academic Pediatrics.(6/10/24)

A team of researchers from Dornsife authored A Short Adverse Experiences Measure Among Mothers of Young Children, published in Pediatrics. The researchers evaluated rapid screening tools for use in pediatric settings. (3/7/24)

Dornsife faculty Félice Lê-Scherban, PhD, MPH, and Gabriel L. Schwartz, PhD, were co-authors of the article Moving Because of Unaffordable Housing and Disrupted Social Safety Net Access Among Children, published in Pediatrics. Researchers found that children tend to lose access to social safety net programs exactly when they need them most: when their families are forced to move because they can’t afford the rent. (2/06/24)

Former Drexel MPH student and MCH trainee Sarah Weinbrom co-authored the brief Intimate Partner Violence and Screening Among Birthing People in Philadelphia. Sarah worked on this brief as part of her Applied Practical Experience, which was funded by the MCH Program through its MCH Workforce Development Award Initiative. Read more about Sarah's APE experience. (8/30/23)

Drexel researchers from Dornsife and the Autism Institute published The Medical Home and Mental Health Services in Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs in the Maternal and Child Health Journal. (3/29/23)

A team of researchers including Thomas J. Hipper, MSPH, MA; Leah Popek, MPH; Renee K. Davis, MD, MPH; Renee M. Turchi, MD, MPH, FAAP; and Esther Chernak, MD, MPH, FACP, authored Communication Preferences of Parents and Caregivers of Children and Youth With Special Healthcare Needs During a Hypothetical Infectious Disease Emergency, published in Health Security. (12/02/22)

Nina Sun, JD, published Overturning Roe v Wade: reproducing injustice in The BMJ. (6/27/22)

Leah Popek, MPH, a former MCH Trainee at DSPH, and Renee M. Turchi, MD, MPH, FAAP, co-authored Maternal postpartum depression: risk factors, impacts, and interventions for the NICU and beyond in Current Opinion in Pediatrics. (6/1/22)

Irene Headen, PhD, MS, was lead author of Racism and perinatal health inequities research: where we have been and where we should go, published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (5/18/22)

Renee M. Turchi, MD, MPH, FAAP, was a co-author on The Critical Value of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) to Graduate Training in Public Health: A Framework to Guide Education, Research and Practice, published in the Maternal and Child Health Journal. (5/7/22)

Allison Groves, PhD, MHS, was lead author on Preexposure Prophylaxis Acceptability Among Pregnant Individuals and Implications for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention, published in the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. (3/10/22)

Renee Davis, MD, MPH, and Renee M. Turchi, MD, MPH, FAAP, were authors on Developing a Public Health Maternal and Child Health Training Program: Lessons Learned from Five Schools of Public Health, published in the Maternal and Child Health Journal. (1/03/22)

Lynch, A., Raziano, V., Feehan, K. et al. authored Unmet Needs of Male Caregivers of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, published in the Maternal and Child Health Journal. (10/15/21)

Nora Lee, PhD, was a co-author on Improving asthma symptoms among inner-city women during pregnancy: A prospective cohort intervention, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. (10/21)

Allison Groves, PhD, MHS, was lead author on A mixed-methods study of resilience and return to school among adolescent mothers in South Africa, published in Global Public Health. (8/25/21)

Suratha Elango, MD, MSHP, Rebecca Whitmire, MD, MPH, John Kim, MPH, CPH, Zekarias Berhane, PhD, Renee Davis, MD, MPH and Renee M. Turchi, MD, MPH, FAAP, were authors on Family experience of caregiver burden and health care usage in a statewide medical home program published in Academic Pediatrics. (7/15/21)

Sarah Bowler, MPH, a former MCH Trainee at DSPH, and Allison Groves, PhD, MHS, were co-authors of Adolescent dating violence prevention programmes: a global systematic review of evaluation studies, published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. (3/21)

Amy Carroll-Scott, PhD, MPH, and Renee Turchi, MD, MPH, were authors on Community health workers: improving population health through integration into healthcare systems, published in Current Opinion in Pediatrics. (10/15/20)

Cinthya K. Alberto, PhD, Jessie Kemmick Pintor, PhD, and several other Dornsife faculty co-authored Association of maternal citizenship and state-level immigrant policies With health insurance coverage among US-born Latino youths, published on JAMA Open Network. (10/1/20)

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Upcoming School Events Related to Maternal and Child Health:

  • Protecting Our Children from Environmental Hazards

    Wednesday, January 29, 2025

    12:00 PM-1:00 PM

    Virtual Group viewing: Room 440, Nesbitt Hall

    • Everyone

    Speaker: Carla Campbell, MD, MS, FAAP, Pediatrician and Affiliate Faculty. Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University

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